021, fred's genius plan!

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DECEMBER CAME BY pretty fast after the first task, and Cerise found herself missing Cedric more and more as the time passed on

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DECEMBER CAME BY pretty fast after the first task, and Cerise found herself missing Cedric more and more as the time passed on. Still, she was incredibly stubborn and she didn't want to be the one to make conversation with him. She was waiting for him to talk to her first, which she doubted was happening anytime soon as every other time he tried to, she pretended she had no idea who he was.

She did send a letter to her mum, telling her everything that had happened. She could tell Josephine was really angry at Cedric by the way she replied, but she also wrote that she thought his words had something to do with Cho Chang — Cerise did not doubt that one bit.

Cho had been weird with her lately, and Cerise heard the girl whispering about her to Marietta way more than once now.

She didn't let it bother her, in fact, she couldn't care about Cho's opinion anymore. Cho had shown her true colours, and Cerise hated the fact that she had basically brainwashed everyone else into thinking she was some sweet, innocent girl. . .

She hated that Cedric had been brainwashed.

Transfiguration was passing by in a blur, Cerise couldn't be bothered to be there. Her parchment remained unwritten on, and Loralei had given up on trying to get her best friend to do work.

Fred and George were sat in front of them, occasionally whispering to one another, which annoyed Cerise a lot. The twins couldn't even whisper that well, they were quite loud.

Marietta and Lee were sat at the front, too. Giggling with each other, though Cerise knew Lee was faking it.

Behind the best friends were Cedric and Cho, and Cerise could hear Cho whispering things to Cedric that made her want to throw up all of her breakfast.

"Get a room," Loralei told the couple harshly, before turning back to the front. "Sorry, Minnie, continue your lesson."

McGonagall sighed. "The Yule Ball is approaching — It's a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament and an opportunity for us to socialize with our foreign guests. Now, the ball will be open only to fourth years and above —"

Cho let out the most obnoxious giggle Cerise had ever heard. She banged her head on her desk.

"Dress robes will be worn," Professor McGonagall continued, "and the ball will start at eight o'clock on Christmas Day, finishing at midnight in the Great Hall. Now then, the Yule Ball is of course a chance for us all to — er — let our hair down," she said, in a disapproving voice.

Cerise and Loralei exchanged a glance. Loralei seemed to be incredibly excited for the ball, Cerise, however, was not.

"But that does NOT mean," Professor McGonagall went on, "that we will be relaxing the standards of behavior we expect from Hogwarts students. I will be most seriously displeased if any student embarrasses the school in any way."

As McGonagall let the students out ten minutes early, Cerise found herself rushing away from Fred, who was calling her name. She had no idea what he wanted, and she did not want to find out.

"Hey, wait up!" Loralei exclaimed, "I'm quite surprised you're not that excited about the ball."

Cerise snorted, "Why would I be excited?" She asked, "Nobody is going to ask me to go, so why should I be excited, get my hopes up, only to be the only person our age dancing by myself. . ."

"You won't be the only one—"

"Don't," Cerise stopped walking to look at Loralei as she spoke, "Don't even say I won't be the only one by myself, Cedric has Cho, Lee has Marietta, you have Fred."

"And you have George." Loralei stated with a smirk.

"Absolutely not, I'd rather be dead." Cerise muttered, rolling her eyes. "Besides, Angelina's been eyeing him up. . . Look, she keeps smiling at him —"

"And he looks weirded out," Loralei pointed out, "He doesn't want Angelina to be the one smiling at him, he wants it to be you."

Cerise sighed, "Well, he has better luck with Angelina." She told him, "I'm not the type of person for a relationship, Lor. I'm supposed to be the supportive, single friend. I'm supposed to —"

"Oh, stop thinking like that," Loralei interrupted, "You deserve love as much as everybody else. You deserve to be happy."

"I am happy," Cerise replied, "I'm happy seeing everyone else be happy."

Loralei frowned. "But you're not," she shook her head, "It's so obvious, Cer. You need to talk to me and tell me what's wrong."

Cerise pursed her lips. Loralei was right, she was her best friend, she deserved to know the reasons she had become the way she was. Still, she didn't want to worry the girl.

So, she forced a smile onto her face and shook her head. "Nothing is wrong," she lied, taking a deep breath. "And I'm not going to the ball."

Loralei frowned as she watched Cerise walk off. She didn't follow her, something was definitely wrong, and she knew Cerise needed time by herself. Sighing, she turned around and approached Fred and George, both of them had watched the entire thing.

"Who are you guys planning on taking to the ball?" Loralei asked, before looking directly at George, "Angelina's been eyeing you up for a while."

George scoffed. "No, thanks." He mumbled. He only wanted one girl, and she wanted nothing to do with him.

"Well, what about you, Fred?" Loralei wondered as the trio began walking to their next lesson that they knew they would not see Cerise in. "Who've you got on your mind?"

Fred's cheeks flushed. "Uh, nobody at the moment," he replied, nudging George in the ribs as he snorted. "I might just go dateless, y'know, seems quite fun to dance with everybody's dates."

Loralei stopped working. "That's not a bad idea," she muttered as George entered Defense Against the Dark Arts, "Fred, you are a genius."

"What?" Fred said as everybody else piled in. They watched Angelina sit in his seat, right next to George.

"Cerise isn't going to the ball," Loralei said, "She doesn't want to be the only one dancing by herself, she is convinced nobody will ask her and she doesn't want to go with George. . . Well, she says that. I know she wants to go with him, but she doesn't handle her feelings very well."

Fred snorted, "Yeah, I know." He said, his eyes widening. "I might have an idea on how to get her to go with George, but if it doesn't work, then we will all go without a date to make her feel better."

A/N: Okay now I'm excited for the ball! Also, I am giving a special mention to yourlocalbookworm02  , To be honest, without her I wouldn't have published this fic in the first place, and I wouldn't update as much as I do.

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