022, fred and loralei!

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CERISE WAS STARTLED AS she felt something in her pockets move during Divination the last day of term

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CERISE WAS STARTLED AS she felt something in her pockets move during Divination the last day of term. Like usual, the classroom was quite warm and stuffy, but Cerise tried her hardest to pay attention to Trelawney, ignoring the fact Fred and Loralei kept glancing at her.

They had been glancing at her a lot recently, and talking with each other quietly so nobody could overhear their conversation.

Cerise was very concerned. She had no idea Fred and Loralei were this close, though she assumed it had something to do with her and George.

She knew what they were up to, Loralei made it pretty obvious every night where she would bring George into the conversation they had — Even if the conversation had nothing to do with him, or boys.

And every time Loralei mentioned Angelina flirting with George, Cerise always gave the same reaction. Loralei would laugh all the time, and tell her best friend that it was just jealousy, but Cerise knew better than that.

She was not jealous. She had nothing to be jealous about. She absolutely hated George Weasley, so there was no way she was jealous.

Loralei pursed her lips, looking at Cerise with furrowed eyebrows.

Cerise shifted uncomfortably in her seat, before reaching into her pocket and feeling something very fluffy.

"You've got to be kidding me. . ." She trailed off, before pulling Oliver out of her pocket. She sighed as she placed him on her lap, where he laid himself down and purred.

Trelawney continued talking, but this time, Cerise was getting fed up of Fred glancing in her direction. So, she turned her head to look at him. "Can you not?" She asked quietly, "It's irritating me."

Fred gave her an innocent look, "What?"

Cerise rolled her eyes, before turning to Loralei who was stifling her laughter. "I wouldn't laugh if I were you, Loralei," she muttered, "Because you're also irritating me."

Loralei groaned as she shared a look with Fred. Cerise sighed, laying her head on the desk and feeling her eyes shut. She didn't get much sleep last night, and ever since the Yule Ball was announced, that's all anyone had spoken about. Hearing it everywhere she went was becoming very tiring.

"Psst, George," she heard Angelina whisper, making the girl sit up straight. Cerise was so focussed on listening to what Angelina was saying that she didn't notice Loralei and Fred exchanging knowing smirks. "Have you got a date to the ball yet?"

"No." George replied sharply.

"Neither have I," Angelina said.

Cerise glanced at them, "The Yule Ball was announced yesterday," she stated, "Nobody has dates yet — Unless they're together already. Plus, the ball isn't for weeks, so Angelina, why don't you stop worrying about finding a date, and start worrying about how you're going to de-size your forehead."

Loralei and Fred burst into laughter, and George grinned. Angelina frowned, placing a hand to her forehead and sitting back in her seat.

Feeling happy with herself, Cerise turned back around and began listening to Trelawney again.

TO SAY THE GIRL was hungry would be an understatement. She was so excited for lunch that day, but when Loralei dragged her to the Gryffindor table, she lost all interest in food and suddenly wanted to go back to bed. She slouched down in between Hermione and Loralei, ignoring the looks she was receiving from George.

George was opposite her with Lee and Fred on either side of him. Loralei leaned her head on Cerise's shoulder.

" — He's earned a bit of a break," Ron was saying to Hermione and Harry as he placed the last two cards on top of the castle and the whole lot blew up, singeing his eyebrows.

"Nice look, Ron. . . Go well with your dress robes, that will." Fred smirked, making his younger brother roll his eyes.

Fred turned his attention to Cerise, "Y'know," He started, "Since Divination, Angelina keeps checking her forehead. You really made her lose her confidence."

Cerise rolled her eyes. "Oh well," she muttered. "She was annoying me."

Loralei lifted her head off Cerise's shoulder to look at her best friend, "How was she annoying you?" She questioned with a smirk. "Were you jealous that she was hinting at G—"

"Ron, can we borrow Pigwidgeon?" George asked, interrupting Loralei. Loralei and Fred exchanged a glance.

"No, he's off delivering a letter," said Ron. "Why?"

"Because George wants to invite him to the ball," said Fred sarcastically. Loralei snickered.

"Because we want to send a letter, you stupid great prat," said George, nudging Fred in the rubs.

"Who d'you two keep writing to, eh?" said Ron.

"Nose out, Ron, or I'll burn that for you too," said Fred, waving his wand threateningly. "So. . . you lot got dates for the ball yet?"

Cerise looked across the table to him, her eyes narrowed.

"Nope," said Ron.

"Well, you'd better hurry up, mate, or all the good ones will be gone," said Fred.

"Who're you going with, then?" said Ron.

"Loralei," said Fred.

"What?" said Ron, taken aback. "You've already asked her?"

"No, he hasn't," Loralei stated, rolling her eyes. She was confused, they needed to get Cerise to go with George before either of them thought about their own dates. Still, she wouldn't mind going with Fred, because she knew that would also make Cerise spend a lot of time with George.

"Well," Fred said, "Do you want to come to the ball with me then?"

Loralei rose her eyebrows, watching as Fred gave her a subtle wink. Sighing, she gave him a small, shy smile. "I was waiting for you to ask me." She admitted.

"Gross," Cerise muttered as everyone started entering the Great Hall.

"There you go," said Fred to Harry and Ron as Loralei flicked Cerise on the forehead, "piece of cake."

A/N: Cerise's jealousy got the best of her in Divination guys, and Cerise's level of jealousy is my level of jealousy... No joke, it's so bad that my boyfriend has to dig me out of so many holes with his friends that are girls...

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