023, a bit of a push!

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ELIJAH WAS FROWNING and Cerise was worried

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ELIJAH WAS FROWNING and Cerise was worried. Elijah was usually quite a happy person, so to see a frown on his face, it was really worrying. It was especially worrying as it was now half term, a week until Christmas, a week until the ball, and she still didn't have a date. Honestly, she didn't want to go in the first place.

Cerise rushed up to Elijah and threw her arms around his shoulders. "Why are you frowning?" She asked, "You never frown."

Elijah couldn't stop the tears from escaping his eyes. His whole body shook as he sobbed, "I can't take it anymore," he cried.

"You can't take what?" Cerise asked quietly, glancing around the halls of Hogwarts, seeing everyone's curiosity filled glances in their direction. "Come on, let's go for a walk."

Cerise led him out of Hogwarts. He needed fresh air, Cerise didn't know what was going on, but she knew she would never find out if he didn't calm down.

She led him over to the tree, before sitting down and pulling him down next to her. He laid his head on her shoulder.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Cerise asked him, reaching to grab his hand.

"Not yet," Elijah muttered, lifting his free hand to wipe his eyes. "I just want to sit here with you; You always cheer me up."

Cerise gave his hand a small squeeze. "Just talk to me when you're ready, okay?" She said, before they sat in a peaceful silence.

This was the most peace both of them had felt in a while, their company was something they both enjoyed. Cerise felt like she could trust Elijah with anything, including her life.

Elijah glanced at Cerise, sniffling quietly as the tears continued to stream down his face. It was like a never-ending waterfall. He knew he needed to talk about his feelings, but he wasn't sure how he was supposed to bring it up.

He didn't want to just blurt it out, but he did anyway, "I'm gay."

Cerise turned her head to look at him, giving him a small, supportive smile. "I know," she replied, making him look at her with wide eyes. "I see the way you look at him."

Elijah's mouth opened and closed.

"I see the way he looks at you, too," Cerise said, "Ask him to the ball. . . Trust me, I don't think you'll regret it, at all. I'm more than positive he will say yes."

"What?" Elijah said. "I thought he already had a date."

Cerise snorted. "Lee does not have a date," she said, "I overheard Marietta and Cho this morning — Lee hasn't asked her, in fact, he broke things off with her. And then, I overheard his conversation with George. Trust me, you won't regret asking him."

"You're the first person to support me," Elijah muttered, "My parents. . . They hate the fact that I'm gay, everyone in Durmstrang just makes fun of me any chance they get. They call me a fa —"

"Names." Cerise said immediately, "I need their names. I know a pair of things that will more than happily put their shitty joke products to use."

Elijah shook his head, "No," he said, "Don't. . . I can't ask him to the ball, I really want to, but I just can't."

"Who cares what others think?"

"Me," Elijah answered, pursing his lips. "If you heard the things they say. . . You wouldn't blame me. They're all scared to talk to me; They think I'm going to force myself onto them or something."

Cerise sighed and shook her head. "I know it's hard," she said, "And I'm not going to say it gets better, because I don't know if it will, but you need to show them you're not scared. You shouldn't be scared to be who you are, don't let them get to you. . ."

Elijah was silent for a moment, Cerise's words sinking into him. He did want to prove he wasn't scared of them, or the things they said. But, there was always that lingering fear that the comments they made would get worse.

He looked at Cerise, "How would I even ask him?"

WALKING THROUGH THE HALLS of Hogwarts, Cerise was not expecting to be pulled into an empty classroom by Fred Weasley, of all people. That action even seemed more likely to come from George, but Fred? Something was clearly going on.

"Go to the ball with George."

"I'd rather be dead," Cerise deadpanned, turning around to leave.

Fred, however, was quicker than her and blocked the door so she couldn't escape. "No, you wouldn't," he smirked. "Loralei and I have been watching you these past few weeks —"

"That's creepy, but, continue." Cerise muttered.

"You have feelings for George," Fred said, and seeing the look cross her face, he grinned. "You cannot hide your jealousy at all. You need to ask him, before he finally gives in and asks Angelina."

Cerise scoffed, "Let him ask her — He'll learn from his mistakes."

Fred rolled his eyes, "The thing is. . . He absolutely despises her. He hates her for all the comments she's made behind your back since first year. He has never liked her. . . None of us have! You need to do us, yourself, and him a favour. Ask him to the ball."

Cerise blinked at him. "No," she replied, trying to push past him. Fred was way stronger than her, so, she struggled.

"Look," Fred said, "You owe it to him."

Cerise snickered, "I don't owe him anything," she stated, "I hate him, you and I both know that. . . In fact, I can't stand him!"

Fred grinned, "Yeah, keep telling yourself that!" He said, "But seriously, you do owe it to him. He saved your life at the World Cup, and although it's been a few months, we still haven't heard a thank you."

Cerise frowned. He was right, she didn't thank him. She suddenly felt guilty; Which was incredibly unusual for her. At the start of her sixth year, she would never feel bad for not thanking him, but things had changed since then.

She has changed since then.

Cerise sat in one of the seats, a frown falling onto her face. "You're right," she mumbled, "I do owe it to him. . . He saved my life, so now I should save his. I'm sure having Angelina as a date would be enough to kill him off."

Fred snorted. "Well, that's one way to put it."

Cerise looked up at Fred. "I suck at apologies." She told him, "You and your twat of a twin should know that more than anyone."

Fred sighed, taking a seat opposite her. "Yes, we know that," he said, "All you have to do is ask him to the ball, and tell him it's your thank you for him saving your life, and your apology for everything."

Cerise groaned. "Can I go back to hating him after the ball?" She asked, as Fred helped her off the seat and the two made their way to the classroom door.

"Me and you both know you don't hate him," Fred replied, grinning at Cerise as he opened the door and pushed her out into the hallway before following after her.

Cerise walked ahead of him, her thoughts running wild. Was she actually about to ask George to be her Yule Ball date? Yes. Was she actually rethinking her life choices? Also yes. Would she regret asking George to the ball? Absolutely not.

She knew she had small feelings for George, and she knew seeing him with somebody that wasn't her, would absolutely kill her.

"George is in the kitchens, if you hurry, you'll be able to catch him!"

A/N: AAHHHHH ITS HAPPENING GUYS ITS HAPPENING, I am not calm right now, I've been so excited to write the scene where she asks him to the ball. Also, Elijah is finally out! He is the sweetest, and I absolutely adore him. It's also very cute how both Elijah and Cerise needed a bit of a push to ask the person they have feelings for to the ball.

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