Mafia school

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Hello i'm kim jisoo and i'll tell you about my life before starting the story.

My dad was a drunkard and my mom used to do all of the household and when dad came home he would demand that she would make food for him but if she wasn't done on time she could get a beating from him and i would always try to stop him but then i would be the one getting beaten up so when i was 6 i decided that i wanted to learn how to fight, and when i was 14 i learned to know that my dad killed himself because this group of mafia's presured him to pay them back.

now i'm 19 and i'm a very good fighter but i never use it because i once almost killed someone and i'm not like that, i go to seoul university but i get bullied there for being a weirdo so they beat me sometimes but i don't fight back otherwise they might end up in the hospital so my mom wants to move to busan even though that's the most dangerous city/ country in south korea a lot of gangs and mafia's try to rull there but my mom said she used to be a mafia too but she never fight against dad because she loved him a lot.

okay now to the story!


i walked into the school and scaned my surroundings but there was nobody so i could safely walk to the principles office, i knocked twice and the door opened and a young looking woman let me in ''you must be kim jisoo'' i nodded my head politly ''why did you transfer here to busan?'' the woman asked

''because i got bullied in my old school and my mom wanted to move here'' she nodded her head hesitant, i honestly hope that in my file isn't how i beat that kid almost to death ''i know this is a dangerous city''

''just one thing if i was you stay away from these girls and boys'' she took a picture from a group of good looking girls and boys and i recognized two because those are my cousin and her girlfriend, i didn't know she went to this school

Lalisa is my older cousin she's 20 and her girlfriend Jennie is 21 they have been dating since they where 16 i find them a cute couple but then dangerous? Never thought about that.

"Hey you still there" the woman waved her hand infront of my face making me look at her "do you know them?" She asked pointing at the picture

"Ah just two of them" i slightly smiled "lalisa and Jennie, lisa's my cousin and Jennie is her girlfriend but i think you might now that"

"You mean THE lalisa manobal is your cousin?" I nodded my head a bit confused "wow..." She sat a bit further away from me making me frown

"Is she dangerous?" I asked a bit confused wich also made her look at me confused

"You don't know?" She asked making me shake my head "she sent like 12 students including teachers to the hospital"

"Well i did not expect that" i sighed and looked at the woman "you can trust me i won't harm anyone trust me" i gave her a small smile and left the room, i turned around and bumped into someone

"What the fuc- jisoo?" I looked up to see Jennie "what are you doing here?" She asked taking my hands pulling me aside, Jennie's really nice.

"My mom she was scared those bully's where gonna go to far but this was not a smart idea" Jennie chuckled and shook her head

"Does Lisa know?" Jennie asked so i shook my head

"Is it true?" She frowned "i mean that Lisa sent 12 students/ teachers to the hospital" Jennie looked down and nodded

"It's not what you think though" she said and smiled at me "Lisa got in a heated fight because some people tried to hurt me and one of her friends and those teachers just made it worse so that's what happened" i nodded my head slightly "well get to class now and text me if you need something" she messed my hair a bit and walked away.

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