whispers of hope

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if this story is relatable to anyone or your just in a bad place just know i'm here to talk if you want:)


walking along the bridge hoping to find the perfect spot, my heart was racing while my face was stained with tears the cold air brushing against my skin and blowing my hair everywhere. As i was about to get on the edge of the bridge a little girl bumped to me ''oh i'm so sorry miss'' the little girl was sobbing and her hair was all messy

''hey little girl what's wrong?'' i bent to her level forgetting what just happened ''where's your mom or dad?'' the girl sobbed even more

''i lost my mommy'' i looked around but didn't see anyone ''i was playing in the playground and mommy went to buy something but then i saw a puppy and it ran so i followed but i got lost'' i whipped the girls tears with my sleeve and put her hair in the right position

''do you know what your mommy's phone number is?" the little girl shook her head ''hmm, what's your name?'' 

''i'm bel'' i smiled and patted her head 

''hello, bel i'm chaeyoung'' she smiled and pinched my cheek ''do you wanna go find your mommy?'' she nodded her head and hugged my neck making me feel sort of happy, at least happier then i was just now.

''chaeyoung your eyes are puffy did you cry?'' i shook my head and smiled even though it wasn't complitly real ''okay, let's go i want mommy'' she took my hand and we walked to the other side of the bridge and we walked back into the park when i saw a young woman looking worried so i suppose that's the mom

''hey bel is that your mommy?'' i pointed at the woman and bel nodded her head and pulled me with her wich definatly wasn't my plan '''hey bel i... i have to go'' she shook her head and tapped her mom's arm who turned around worry all over her face 

''mommy'' bel said and sobbed again while hugging her mom ''mommy this lady helped me find you'' she pointed at me making me feel shy, i never really was someone who liked talking to strangers

''thank you so much..'' 

''chaeyoung'' i said in a low tone

''thank you chaeyoung'' the woman said giving me a smile while taking bel in her arms ''i'm sorry for giving you trouble'' i shook my head and chuckled

''no thanks actually'' she looked confused but just shook it off ''uh i have to go'' i turned around but the woman called out to me

''how can i repay you?" i shook my head and left, i took a deep breath and walked to the diraction of my house with shaking hands. Actually i moved to a new house and it's pretty there but there is nothing left to live for, my parents hate me, my brother is always out of town, my friends are all in a relationship and mostly leave me behind and i'm always the one carring for them while they just have fun without me

i unlocked my door and saw lisa my cousin sitting on the couch looking super worried ''chaeyoung!'' she hurried towards me and hugged me tightly ''you didn't-'' i tried to hold in my tears

''i'm sorry lisa'' i always apolagize to her after i hurt myself because i know it hurts her too and this actually isn't the first time i attempted but i always failed because i was too scared

''chaeng, baby i'm sorry i wasn't here when you needed me'' i then just let my tears fall and i sobbed on her chest for a good hour.


it's now the day after i attempted and lisa stayed over because she was super worried that if she would leave i would try again or just hurt myself ''chaeng i have to tell you something'' she looked down shyly while i sat on the bed looking at her a bit puzzeled ''i have a girlfriend'' i smiled and hugged lisa 

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