transfer student pt. 1

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''why do we have to move?'' i asked, my blood boiling 

''you know why jisoo so stop asking and pack your stuff'' 

hello everyone i'm kim jisoo i just turned 19 and my mom and dad decided to move to seoul, we have been living here in Nowon-gu since the day i was born not a lot of people live here it's just 619,509 people. i went to a small school and i had a boyfriend and a group of friends but i had to break up with him and my friends i had to break contact with.

it's all for my dad's stupid work, i wanna stay here i love it here i don't wanna go to seoul it's way to big. i packed my stuff and the next thing i knew was me being in seoul.

we stopped infront of a house but a car was parked infront of it wich confused me because we don't have two car's ''dear we will be living with your cousin jennie and her family'' i perked up, jennie and tea are my fav cousins they are like the best.

i got out of the car and waited for my mom and dad to get out as well, mom knocked on the door and uncle opened the door, i smiled widely and gave him a tight hug ''uncle where are jennie and teatea?'' he chuckled and pointed to the living room where jennie and tea where fighting over something ''jennie! tea!'' they looked up and ran towards me

''jisoo unnie!'' they said at the same time, i'm the oldest jennie and tea are twins both 18 they turn 19 in three months 

''i didn't know you would come to seoul'' jennie said still hugging me

''i didn't either'' they both let go of me and smiled ''how's it been though?'' 

''so boring'' tea said, we sat down on the couch and jennie was looking really happy ''these people at our school are some real dip shits'' tea said making both me and jennie laugh

''espacially lisa and her ass girlfriend'' tea nodded his head, i just listened cause this is getting intresting ''lisa things she's everything because her dad is the principle, she honestly things everyone likes her and she can get whatever and whoever she wants''

''she sounds like ass'' i said 

''she is espacially her bitch of a girlfriend chaeyoung'' i nodded my head ''she's litarally such a brat, not to mention but she's filfty rich'' 

''yeah and she goes to school wearing designer clothes, she does her nails every month'' i laughed

''couldn't be worse then nancy, she did her nails every week'' our parents then walked in and smiled

''jennie sweetie go help jisoo set up her room'' she nodded her head and dragged me upstairs, she pulled me to the room next to her wich was not that big but it's litarally super pretty

''okay i need to tell you something'' i nodded my head ''lisa and chaeyoung are toxic and they like picking on people espacially the new people so i just wanted to warn you'' i chuckled and nodded my head

''i'm gonna kick some ass if they touch me'' we both laughed a little and started to clean the room

the walls were painted white, infront of the door is a window that covers a part of the wall, against it is a bed with fluffy looking blankets and a desk next to it

the walls were painted white, infront of the door is a window that covers a part of the wall, against it is a bed with fluffy looking blankets and a desk next to it

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