ex girlfriend

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we were supposed to go on a tour a year ago but because of my stupid actions it was all ruined, i loved her with all my heart and i still do but i need to get over her she hates me and she hates my guts. i wanted to marry her i even bought a ring even though the world didn't know and we had to keep it all a secret i loved her so much.

i tried dating but i never catched feelings even while having sex i couldn't think of anyone else but my ex girlfriend jisoo, i had no friends for like 7 months i did date but i mostly stayed at home all by myself i made new friends eventually and they are really nice.

my old friends jennie and lisa never believed a word i said but they didn't even let me explain. i have a boyfriend now his name is jimin but i really don't like him, i like him as a friend nothing more.

''babe are you even listening?'' jimin asked annoyed gripping onto my arm harshly 

''i'm sorry i was just-'' he moved closer and hugged me

''it's okay baby i know you have a lot on your mind right now'' my friends then entered the room with a big smile on their faces 

''rosé! jimin!'' irene said happily ''we got a great idea!'' she exclaimed, i nodded so she would continue ''my girlfriend and her friends are going on a trip to this amazing place, it's like on the beach with beach houses and they invited us to come!'' i bit my lower lip, i've never met seulgi or her friends and i'm not that ball of sunshine anymore that can get a long with anyone 

i just keep to myself, the only people i really talk to are my parents, my friends and jimin.

''what do you say?'' irene asked with a grin on her face, i just smiled and nodded my head

''when do we leave then?'' she looked at her phone for a second 

''tomorrow morning at 5 in the morning so go to bed early for once so we won't have to wake you up'' i just hummed in response and got out of jimin's grip, i walked up to my room and layed in my bed.

i don't sleep together with jimin he has his own room, me and my friends and my boyfriend live together because a week after i got to know them they reminded me of my old friends and my ex so i tried to kill myself so they moved in with me to make sure i'm okay.

i mean i was drunk when i did that so i probably wasn't thinking straight and all the emotions just got to me.


i woke up to my alarm beeping loudly, i put it off and got out i did my usual routine and got my bags and put in it what i needed, i got my tablet and phone and my headseat because nayeon said it was a 8 hour drive. luckily we don't have to drive with seulgi and her friends, i don't even know their names, everyone knows them except for me.

i got downstairs and jimin was smiling at me ''babe i made you eggs and bacon'' he gave me a plate so i gave him a small smile and mumbled a 'thanks', i felt my stomach turn a little jisoo used to do this too. everything reminds me of her it's so fucking annoying it's been a damn year and i can't get over her while i'm the one at fault so shouldn't it be easy?

''rosie?'' nayeon nudged me ''you were spacing off again'' 

''sorry'' i uttered 

''it's fine'' junkook said happily ''you know i've been dreamin of going to that place, irene i'm so grateful your not single anymore'' irene smacked his head making me laugh, i ate my breakfast and after that everyone hurried and put their stuff in the car.

i sat at the back and put my head phones on and played my playlist jisoo once made for me, i sighed and looked out of the window. every day i still wear the promise ring but not on my finger because i promised irene and nayeon i'd throw it away so i put it around my neck.

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