single mom

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''so what do you think with or without?'' lisa asked, lisa is my partner no we are not dating we are cops and we work together besides i have been single almost my whole l, there was one time that i dated someone for a week but he got bored of me and dumbed me.

''with'' i answered, lisa nodded and chose the one without ''why ask for my opinion when you are just gonna pick the opposit of what i chose?" i asked taking a sip from my coffee while lisa was still waiting for hers when i noticed a woman with a little girl walking while this guy was following her looking at her creepily ''do you see that?'' i asked, lisa turned her head and nodded

''yeah let's go'' 

''pretend you haven't seen it'' i said and walked out paying the person at the cashier, i took another sip of my coffee and put it in the car before slowly walking into the diraction of the woman ''hey!" the woman stopped and turned around confused 

''yes?'' she looked very confused ''did i do something wrong?'' she asked unsure of how to act in this siuation, well i understand cause i've been in this sort of situation 

''no just keep walking but i wanna ask you some questions is that alright?'' she nodded and she slowly started moving her feet again so i walked beside her while her kid was looking at me like i was some superhero ''do you know that man that has been following you?'' i asked making the woman look at me more confused

''what do you mean?'' 

''a guy was following you my partner is behind us slowing the man down'' she nodded her head looking a bit scared now ''do you know who was following you?'' 

''no i didn't even know someone was following me'' 

''well he's tall, dark hair, ripped jeans, dirty shirt and a blouse'' she shook her head ''alr-'' 

''fuck next time i'm gonna do the talking and you do the chasing and fighting'' lisa said making me stop walking, lisa's nose was slightly bleeding, the man was staring the woman up and down which really annoyed me i mean you don't just stare someone up and down

''eyes up here'' i said crossing my arms ''you know following aka stalking is already bad enough but punching a cop and tryin to run away... lisa you can make him cozy in the back seat it will probably be your last comfortable seat for a while anyways'' lisa chuckled and took the guy with her 

''you are so cool lady cop'' i smiled and looked down at the little girl 

''i'm not i'm just doing my job'' she shrugged her shoulders 

''you are still cool'' 

''thanks'' the woman said

''no problem ma'am'' i said slightly bowing ''have a great day'' she smiled and walked further, i walked back to the car and sat in the front and took my coffee 

''let's go to the station now'' lisa said starting the engine


since it's my day off today and i joined my sister in the park with her two kids, they are really adorable, they are both guys and already 6 now. once i arrived i walked to where alice was sitting ''hey chaeng'' alice said smiling 

''hi alice'' 

it was silent for a couple of minutes until the twins came walking towards us while holding a crying girl who seemed odly familiar ''auntie! mom this girl fell and she said she doesn't know where her mom is'' dave said 

''l- lady cop?'' i smiled and nodded, it was that kid from that pretty lady from yesterday ''i fell and mommy went to the store'' she sniffled and showed me her arm where a small scratch with a little blood could be seen. now it's good that i always have a band aid with me don't ask why i just have them on me

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