forced marriage

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i walked into the restaurant my parents wanted to meet up, i walked towards the table but i was a bit confused as i saw a girl probably around my age and mrs and ms kim and my parents, i know mrs and ms kim because they are my best friend parents. 

''eh? what's this?'' i asked while i sat down next to my dad, i'm sick like not something that will go over any time soon and i can't work anymore so jennie takes care of me whenever she has time. 

''rosé i want you to marry jisoo'' i looked at my mom in total shock ''there is no discusion in this'' i took a deep breath trying to process this ''rosé your sick and i want someone to be able to take care of you 24/7'' i shook my head

''then just sent me to a hospital'' 

''no i don't trust those things'' i clenched my fist and looked at my mom trying to figure out something to say

''jennie also takes care of me i don't need someone who can watch me 24/7'' before mom could say anything i opened my mouth again ''besides i thought you didn't want me to marry nor date woman'' 

''we don't but we can trust her'' there is no point in trying to get out of this she won't listen to me anyways. i sighed and that's when mom knew i gave up ''okay then that's settled, jisoo will move in with you and she will work from home so she can take care of you at the same time'' i just nodded my head and looked down feeling sick to my stomach.

''i have to go i don't feel so good'' i stood up and almost lost Balance if it wasn't for dad who grabbed my arm in time 

''jisoo will bring you home'' mom said, i just put my hands on the table so i wouldn't completly lose my balance 

jisoo stood up and helped me walk outside without falling, i sat in her car and she jogged to the other side of the car getting in herself, after that i was just knocked out


me and jisoo got married yesterday and we have to sleep in the same bed, when i woke up she wasn't there so i suppose she's downstairs. i got out of bed and changed into shorts and a white t-shirt, i then made my way downstairs and i saw jisoo sitting at the table with her computer and some papers. i just walked to the kitchen.

i grabbed a glass of water and my medican, i put it on the counter and grabbed what i needed before putting it back to where it belongs, i glanced at jisoo who was very focused on her work. someone then walked in and it was non other then jennie kim

''yeah i'm gonna have to get used to this'' she said pointing at jisoo before making her way to me, she sat on the counter and smiled at me ''how is it being married to my sister'' i shrugged my shoulders and took my medican

''i don't even know her that good'' i said before walking to the couch wich was behind the table ''so how's ella and ebby doing?'' 

''they are good, i should bring them with me next time'' i nodded my head in agreement ''is jisoo treating you right if not i'll punch her'' i chuckled and shook my head

''i feel offended'' jisoo then said startling jennie

''gosh i really have to get used to this'' she climbed over the couch and stood behind jisoo trying to annoy her wich worked ''unnie'' she tapped jisoo's shoulder a couple of times ''unnie your typing nonsence'' 

''yah kim let your sister do her work'' i said leaning on the couch while looking at them 

''no it's fun annoying her'' i face palmed myself and grabbed hank who was standing infront of me 

''crazy girl right hankie'' jennie then turned to me and gave me her middle finger ''very crazy''

''yah park chaeyoung'' i rolled my eyes and sticked my tongue out to her ''hank why do you like her so much?'' jennie asked crossing her arms but then turned back to jisoo and messed her hair a bit ''jisoo unnie i'm hungry'' jennie whined making jisoo look at her

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