motor girl

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i just had dinner with my boyfriend jimin, he left earlier today saying he had something important to do or something, i asked lisa about it and she said he asked to hang out with the group, well his group of friends, i know lisa because she's my cousin but jimin doesn't know that.

jimin also has been very suspicious lately, actually it's been for 2 years i just didn't notice earlier, he cancels a lot of dates and he doesn't even come to my apartment, yes i have my own apartment and yes jimin is still in school while me, i'm just following my dreams which is just being free and going out, i've also been wanting to go somewhere but i have no time as i do need to work to earn money.

i decided to take a ride to jimin's school to drop of some books lisa had asked for, as long as i keep me helmet on he won't know it's me, i mean it's stupid cause he can't even recognize me but it's kinda understandable since i look like a guy with the clothes on.

i parked my motorbike and got of when i noticed lisa, jimin and some other friends of him sitting there and this one girl was leaning on him while he was hugging her?

he better not be cheating on me again.. i let it go the first couple times cause i love him. i opened the seat so i could grab the bag of books lisa asked for, lisa is 19 so she's like my little sister even though i'm just 21.

i started walking towards them, trying to walk a bit manly while gripping the plastic bag in my hand, i'm wearing gloves so you can't really see it.

i put the bag infront of lisa scaring her a little ''oh my- you scared the shit out of me'' i smiled and put down the bag, showing her the paper note she nodded her head making me furious, i glanced at jimin who was just flirting with his girlfriend, yes it's apperantly his girlfriend.

i put the books down and turn around walking away angrily ''yah! wait'' lisa then chased me to my bike ''chaeng wait'' she said as we were further away from them 

''i can't do this right now lisa'' i said feeling mad


it's been a couple days and i found out her name is jisoo, kim jisoo she's 20 and she's graduating soon, she's in the schools basketbal team and she's a top A student, she's popular too and she has a instagram account which i've been stalking the whole week.

she's surely pretty and sexy. she's got the looks and the body and she looks perfect.

''stalker'' lisa laughed looking over my shoulder 

''stop doing that lisa'' i said scratching my neck as i closed my phone ''you know why i'm doing this'' 

''actually i don't, your stalker your boyfriends girlfriend to like what take revenge?'' her eyes widened "or worse murder her'' i laughed and shook my head

''i wouldn't kill her.. maybe she doesn't even know about it''

''well... you know everytime he's cheated the girls knew'' i crossed my arms and sighed ''i'm not trying to say jisoo knows cause she's the kindest girl i know besides you then but-''

''i've got a plan'' i stood up and grabbed my helmet and gloves

''chaeyoung what are you gonna do?'' i put on my helmet and grabbed my keys 

''i'm gonna pay her a visit'' i then closed the door and hopped onto my motor bike

''chaeyoung!'' she stood infront of my motor ''your not gonna hurt her are you?'' i smirked and shrugged my shoulders


i'm just practicing in the studio alone since lisa couldn't come, she had plans with her cousin or something.. i've never actually met her cousin she's always very mysterious about her or him.

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