camping - last prt (including bonus)

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''you what?'' rosé asked looking shocked, i looked down feeling ashamed of what i've just confessed 

''i know we haven't known eachother for a very long time but-'' she shook her head and turned around walking away from me, she walked out the door leaving me behind.

did i do something wrong, or did i maybe say something wrong. i didn't mean to upset her, she was courting me though why would she react like that. i kept staring at the door starting to feel numb. i slowly moved my feet, i walked into my room and changed into more comfortable clothes, i then decided to climb out of the window cause we don't have a back door here.

i felt tears rolling down my cheeks already, i closed the window again and walked to the back of the house, there was a small path leading to one of the roads on the camping. i just started walking, i have no idea where i'm going though, i'm just walking.

after maybe 5 minutes of walking i saw a small playground which was a different one then the one close to my field, i sat down on the bench and looked at the kids playing, they looked adorable, i want kids of my own one day but i don't think it will ever happen.

it's getting dark, it's already 10pm and i've been spending my time outside the camping and inside the camping but i haven't been close to our field so i wouldn't have to see the others, espacially rosé after she just left me there without even letting me finish, does she hate me now?

i sighed and decided to just go back when i suddenly bumped into someone, someone small, very small, not that long after i heard crying i looked down and saw a kid around 3 or 4 sitting on the floor, i quickly kneeled down and put my hands on the kids shoulders ''are you okay?'' such a stupid question jisoo

''i have ouch'' she said sobbing 

''can i see?'' i asked, gently grabbing her arm but she pulled away which i understand, i'm a stranger after all

''mommy said not to talk o strangers'' she moved a bit back trying to get back on her feet 

''you shouldn't'' i said giving her a small smile ''but i promise you, i won't hurt you i just wanna check if you have a wound or not'' the girl hesitated for a second but she then showed me her arm which was bleeding ''oh sweetie, your arm is bleeding'' 

''it hurt'' she said sobbing, trying to touch it so i quickly grabbed her hand so she wouldn't 

''where are your mommy and daddy?'' i asked and the girl shrugged her shoulders 

''mommy is pregnant and she's very tired, for that i don't have dad'' i felt guilty for asking that question cause not all kids have both parents 

''do you know which field your on?'' she nodded her head slowly 

''i think it was Y'' i nodded my head

''i'm also on that field, do you want me to bring you home?'' she nodded her head ''can you walk?'' she nodded so i helped her get back up but she almost fell back down so i just picked her up ''what's your name?'' i asked as i started walking again rubbing the little girls back for comfort

''mina'' she uttered putting her arms around my neck and she rested her head on my shoulder 

''that's a beautiful name mina'' i smiled and took a turn ''what are you doing out here alone so late?'' i asked 

''mommy was tired and she was mad at me for making much sound so i left her alone for rest'' i nodded my head as i took a quick last turn almost at the field 

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