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i woke up, my body aching and my throat dry as if i ate the whole sahara, my throat hurts as i couch and my chest hurts even more, i feel warm and cold at the same time. my head aching as well, nobody is home. lisa is in class, jennie is also in class and jisoo is also in class. i got up and i immediatly started to feel dizzy and lightheaded, i don't wanna bother jennie or lisa and i'm definatly not going to text jisoo, she is super annoying besides she wouldn't even care. i couched more holding my chest ''fuck this'' i mumbled and took all of my strength to stand up and walk to the kitchen, i got a bottle of water and drank it even though it hurts my chest a lot and it feels like i'm gonna vomit. shit... i have a class in 30 minutes. i slowly made my wat back to my and lisa's room, i first shared a room with jisoo but we kept arguing so lisa and jennie decided to change the rooms. i couched more and my nose was basically not working well cause it is stuffed. i can not afford to not go to class so i must go. i took a quick shower and brushed my teeth, i put on some black pants and a over sized t shirt.

i walked to class feeling extremily dizzy.


it took my so much afford to even get to class, it's just 5 minutes away but it took me like 14 minutes and i was late, now i'm almost back at the dorm and my head is killing me, my throat feels weird and my chest hurts more then this morning. i was about to open the door but i let my keys drop, i slowly bent down to grab my keys but my head did some weird thing making me almost drop to the floor, i grabbed my keys and i eventually opened the door ''chaeng- ahh come here!'' jennie shouted from somewhere making my head hurt more

''fuck stop shouting!'' i said loud enough for her to hear, she peeked around the corner and looked concerned

''you look pale are you okay?'' i nodded my head but jennie being jennie put her hand on my forehead before pulling it away ''you got a fever dumbass'' she pulled me to the kitchen where apperantly everyone was ''sit here'' i shook my head and wanted to pull away but litarally my muscles are about to give up ''park chaeyoung i told you to sit down!'' i sighed and sat down 

''what happened?'' lisa asked concern evident in her voice 

''drama queen'' jisoo mumbled but i don't have the energy to fight back 

''shut up jisoo'' jennie snapped ''did you go to class like this?'' she gave me something and made me eat it or swollow it 

''yeah?" i said before couching again and holding my chest 

''go take a rest!'' i shook my head

''i still have to fin-'' 

''i said go take a rest park!'' i grumbled and stood up and slowly made my way to my bed, once i layed down i just fell asleep


couple days later i felt better and jisoo has been so fucking annoying like she keeps calling me lazy and drama queen and i just wanna punch her in the face, it's now 5 in the morning and just my luck cause jisoo walked out of her room ''look who's here the lazy drama queen'' jisoo said sounding super sarcastic

''fuck off jisoo'' she rolled her eyes and gave me her middle finger ''okay what the fuck is your problem kim!?'' i said standing up from the couch trying not to make a sound

''your my problem and don't you dare call me kim!'' i scoffed and walked towards her ''stay out of my way drama queen'' 

''i'm not a drama queen!'' i said raising my voice ''if there is one it's you!'' she put down the bowl she was holding and looked at me with sharp eyes

''your a fucking attention seeker!'' i clenched my fist ''c'mon drama queen don't get mad already'' she said in the most annoying tone ever

''bitch'' i uttered ''seriously all you can do is insult me all fucking day like don't you have anything better to do in your life like studying and getting better grades'' she slammed her fist on the counter and glared at me 

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