my ex girlfriend

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heavy breathing filled the room, jisoo moved her body against chaeyoungs fingers moaning louder every time. jisoo digger her nails into the brunnets back putting her forehead to hers ''we should stop now'' chaeyoung said breathing heavily, jisoo knew they couldn't do this but they couldn't stop themselves. they layed besides each other chests heaving up and down 

''i don't wanna stop'' jisoo said looking at the ceiling

''i don't wanna stop either but you know what my parents think about this.. about us'' jisoo sat straight up, jisoo hated chaeyoungs parents. chaeyoungs parents forbid jisoo from seeing chaeyoung but she would always find a way to see the girl, her love for chaeyoung was so strong she would go against the world for the girl. 

''chaeng.. baby i really, really love you'' she said now hovering above the girl ''i don't wanna give up on us.. i can't'' chaeyoung shook her head gently pushing the girl away 

''i'm sorry jisoo..'' chaeyoung got up and gathered her clothes and put them back on ''i can't do this.. my parents will-'' 

''disown you.. i know'' jisoo said looking down at the blanket ''i just... i-'' jisoo could feel her eyes getting teary ''i don't wanna lose you chaeng'' chaeyoung grabbed jisoo by the chin making her look at chaeyoung 

''i love you jisoo, i really do and i don't wanna lose you either but i have no choice'' jisoo shook her head

''you do have a choice chaeng.. just- just explain to them and we-'' chaeyoung pressed her lips against jisoo's 

''we have to break up jisoo'' chaeyoung now said, jisoo's chest tightened as she felt her breath getting heavier. she shook her head and held chaeyoungs hands

''no please.. don't do this chaeng we can find a solution i can talk to your parents and-'' 

''jisoo stop'' chaeyoung pulled away and pressed a kiss against her forehead, next thing jisoo knew she was out the door. she found herself crying her heart out that night, it was also the last time she cried and.. loved.

9 years later

''woooooh jisoo your officially 26!!'' jennie hyped her best friend, jisoo sighed and shook her head not in the mood to celebrate her birthday it would only remind her of how chaeyoung would storm into her bedroom and shower her with kisses and cuddle her and they would go to the cinema or a restaurant to celebrate her birthday 

''c'mon jisoo you can't forever act like this'' nayeon said with her arms crossed, nayeon was jennie and jisoo's other bestfriend they had another friend called v and they have been best friends since childhood they witnessed everything they went through and they went through it together except jisoo's break up with chaeyoung, jisoo closed her heart that night and build a wall around it. 

''whatever'' jisoo said trying to focus on her work, jisoo was the CEO of her own company, she had worked really hard and she still does sometimes to hard.

''gayss! oops i mean guyss'' v said walking in ''the vacation is booked we can go tomorrow and we can celebrate our baby's birthday tomorrow!!'' jisoo raised an eyebrow at the three of them

''don't be mad'' jisoo took a deep breath and nodded her head for nayeon to continue talking ''so we booked a vacation to phuket in Thailand and since you've been working way to hard for the past 9 years we think you should take a break'' jisoo leaned back in her chair with barely any emotions on her face 

''i can't say no can i?'' jisoo asked making the three friends smile 

''you should be ready by 4am tomorrow'' jisoo nodded her head and gathered her stuff since she was done for the day, jisoo drove home in total silence the only thing heard was the radio. the first thing she did when she arrived home was pack her stuff since she needed to sleep and she didn't have time to do it at night.

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