new roommate

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i packed my stuff and put on my jacket, grabbing a umbrella i walked out of the hotelroom i was staying in for a couple days. i've just moved to korea and i am now gonna move into a house with 3 other girls, they are all still in school but so am i. i put on my headphones and walk outside with my suit case rolling behind me while the rain falls down on my umbrella.

it was a 20 minutes walk from my hotel to the small house, i knocked on the door and a short girl with dumpling cheeks opened ''hi!'' she said looking happy, my eye twitched and i gave her a small smile even though it wasn't a genuine one.

it's saturday so i've got the weekend to settle in ''the other two are in the living room'' she smiled letting me in, she closed the door behind her and stood next to me ''did you walk here?'' i just nodded my head and raised a eyebrow when she didn't move ''right..'' she uttered and started walking to the living room which looked messy.

i looked around and the place was just messy, my old roommates cleaned everything up but looks like these girls don't do that, as long as my room will be clean it's fine. i then saw two girls fighting eachother while gaming and yelling a bit.

''guys!'' the brunnet next to me said louder then necessary, the two girls looked up and paused the game ''she's here'' the girl with bangs immediately went for a hug, i almost dropped my suitcase out of shock, i hate it when people touch me without asking or knowing they can. i pushed the girl softly so there would be a distance between us

''it's so nice to meet you!'' she said ''it's pretty boring with these two'' i just looked at the girl for a second before the brunnet next to me started talking again

''these are lisa and jisoo and i'm jennie!'' i nodded my head again, my face has been like stone the whole time and i'm not planning on changing that

''chaeyoung'' i uttered

''pretty name'' they said in core ''jinx!'' they laughed and looked at me awkwardly when i didn't even twitch 

''so uh.. your room is next to jisoo's'' i looked at lisa with a raised eyebrow cause how am i supposed to know where jisoo's room us 

''i'll show you'' jennie said and walked infront of me, she walked up the stairs and pointed at a room ''it needs some cleaning but for the rest it has everything you need'' i nodded and walked into the room closing the door behind me, i put down my stuff and started putting everything in a place i like it after that i cleaned every shelve and just everything. it took me exactly 5 hours to do everything, i grabbed my phone and looked at my lockscreen.

it's me and my two best friends. i miss them a lot. the door then opened scaring the shit out of me ''god damn it do you not know how to knock!?'' i asked annoyed looking at the person standing in the door opening

''sorry it's just-'' i rolled my eyes and stood up ''dinner'' she said, i glared at her and walked past her purposfully bumping into her purposefully, i walked down the stairs and saw lisa and jennie putting junk food on the table, for fuck sakes can this day get any worse?

''we just ordered everything since we don't know what you like'' i don't eat junkfood, it will make me look fat 

''you know what on second thought i'm not that hungry'' i turned around almost bumping into jisoo, i glared at her and walked back upstairs

for the rest of the weekend i closed myself up in my room, i went downstairs for food but that's it, after school i'm gonna go to the store to get some vegetables since they don't have a lot.

it's now evening and they are having dinner right now and i'm hungry but they eating from the junk food from yesterday so i'm thinking of just going out and buy something, i groaned and got up grabbing my jacket and shoe's. i grabbed my phone and walked downstairs

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