transfer student pt. 2 (last part)

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my life has been pretty quiet lately, i don't mind though i don't really like being in the drama i haven't seen lisa nor rosé anywhere wich i found strange but it's better this way, i don't like them getting all onto eachother, i don't need to watch them sucking on each others faces the whole day. 

''penny for your thoughts'' i looked up to see v ''did i scare you?'' i just shook my head ''so what's on your mind?'' he asked grabbing a chair sitting infront of me 

''i was just thinking, isn't it weird lisa and rosé haven't bullied me or anything'' i scratched my neck ''i mean i haven't even seen them anywhere'' i looked into the distance spacing off once again

''don't overthink it, it might just be nothing besides it's better this way'' i shook my head, clasping my hands together

''no i don't think it is'' my body felt tense for some reason ''last week when i got to school i heard them arguing about me'' v raised a eyebrow ''i know it sounds weird but-'' 

''no i've heard them argue too but then about jennie so i was confused when you said that'' i looked at v confused ''why would they argue about you two'' v asked confused

''i don't know'' i said letting out a sigh ''anyways have you seen jennie?'' he shook his head, this school is way to big, so i'm not gonna look for her unless she won't answer her phone then i will. i scratched my neck and looked at v ''don't you wanna be with your friends?'' 

''i don't wanna leave you by yourself'' i was gonna say something but this guy interupted me

''v you look very handsome today'' i looked up and surpresed a laugh, he then looked behind him where his friends were giving him thumbs up

''thank you junkook, you look handsome too'' v said giving him a smile

''are you like his girlfrie-'' 

''heck no!'' i said with a disgusted face ''he's my cousin, don't worry he's all yours'' a smile krept onto his face, simp. i was just gonna grab my phone but it felt like someone was staring at me so i looked up to find one of those guys looking at me

'hey' he mouthed, i just gave him a awkward smile before turning away, weird.


it's sunday and tomorrow we have school again, i'm just taking a walk in the park when i saw a familiar figure sitting on a bench with her head down, as i walked closer i could hear sobs and her shoulders were shaking. i slowly made my way to her, i sat beside her making her look up, her eyes were all puffy and red and her cheeks were stained with tears.

''go ahead make fun of me'' she said making me frown a little, without thinking i brought my hand up to her face whipping away some of her tears 

''why should i make fun of you?'' i asked looking at her, she let her head hang again with her hands on her knees, i've never been really good with cheering people up ''never mind you don't have to answer that'' 

i've never seen rosé cry before, it honestly hurts a little ''you don't have to stay here'' she said through sobs

''i know but-'' i looked away not knowing what to say ''i can't leave you here alone'' i said almost whispering, it then was quiet for a minute only hearing her sobs made me feel guilty for not trying to help her, i turned back to her wanting to say something but nothing came out so i looked away again. 

i then turned back again ''what?'' she asked her voice sounding more vulnerable then earlier, without thinking i put my arms around her pulling her in for a hug ''what ar-'' 

''i heard hugs are good for you'' it's true, hugs are super good for you i read it somewhere, i felt her arms wrapping around my waist, it feels good. ''do you wanna talk about it?'' i asked 

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