business partners

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hello, i'm kim jisoo the CEO of kim industry, i recently turned 24 and i'm single and i mostly spend time on my work and my friends cause i don't really have anything else to do in life. it's always the same thing, i wake up i go to work go to hang with my friends and sleep, i do eat between those things though so don't worry. this building is located in the middle of seoul in the busy streets and the malls surrounding it.

a knock was heard on the door ''come in'' i uttered signing another paper

''good morning mrs kim here is your coffee'' she placed the coffee on my desk and grabbed her tablet ''you have a meeting with ms kim in a 10 minutes''

''thanks yuri'' i gave her a quick smile and gathered some of my papers to head out but someone entered my office without knocking ''dad?'' i put down my stuff and dad smiled at me

''hello darling'' i sat back on my chair and he sat down on the other side ''yesterday i got a email from mrs park her assistent and they want to work together with us and i agreed'' i licked my dry lips and leaned back in my chair

''don't i have a word in this?'' he shook his head and grabbed his bag

''here the papers you need to sign'' he placed them infront of me and stood up ''they will be here tomorrow so be ready to share your office with mrs park she will use the other desk in the room'' my eyes widend and i shook my head

''no this is my office!'' i stated and dad gave me one of those looks wich i hate

''work hard today, i have a meeting in paris so i'll be going to catch my flight'' i nodded my head and he left my office, the day started good but then this, i hate it when dad thinks he's in control here he might of helped me build this up but i am the CEO not him

i stood up from my chair and walked over to the desk on the other side of the room ''i might as well clean this now'' i mumbled, i grabbed the box that was standing there and put it in the corner

''watcha doin'? i jumped back and held my chest

''god damn it lisa you wanna give me a heart attack?'' she put her hands in the air and chuckled

''why are you cleaning this?'' lisa asked sitting on the desk

''yesterday dad got a email from mrs park her assistent and they wanna work together with us and dad said yes so now mrs park is gonna move into my office'' i complained as i shoved lisa of the desk ''it's my company why does he always choose what to do?'' lisa shrugged her shoulders and helped me clean the desk

''let's get some lunch it's already one'' i shook my head and sat down at my desk

''i haven't finished any of these and i don't wanna stay here all night''

''okay but i'll tell yuri to bring you some lunch'' i just hummed and started doing the unfinished paper work

i worked until 6 in the evening and then i decided to go home, i changed out of my work clothes and put on my pj's, i made an easy dinner and after that i just went straight to bed i had put my alarm around 6 in the morning


i walked into the building and i was met by my assistent ''mrs kim'' she looked in a hurry ''your new business partners are here and seulgi is with them right now so hurry up'' i should of woken up earlier, i gave yuri my bag and made my way to the meeting room and yuri followed me from behind. i opened the door and seulgi was sitting quitly while a young woman with blond hair was sitting infront of seulgi with her arms and legs crossed and a cold expression on her face

''sorry for the wait'' i said as i walked further into the room ''welcome to k-''

''you should of been here 10 minutes ago'' the woman said with a icy tone

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