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stress has been taking me over lately, everything is becoming to much and my assistent aka my best friend jennie decided it would be good for me to go camping, i'm not a big fan of camping especially in the summer, it will always be the Mosquitoes biting you or the bee's sitting on your food and the restrooms they have are disguting not to mention it's pretty dangerous cause kids just run on the streets while some cars speed a lot and you could just get hit.

but i still agreed thinking it might actually help, my phone has been on quiet for a week but now it isn't anymore since jennie forced me to put it off cause if she want's to reach me i would have to answer.

right now i'm just following her onto a field with 4 to 6 small houses, at one of the houses in the beginning was a couple having sex while on the other side was a small family playing with their baby and toddler and then next to them was one house unocupied, on the other side of that one were two teenage boys making out and then at the end of the field it was quiet nobody to be seen but the lights inside were on.

''doesn't it look pretty?'' jennie looked around at every small detail in awe, i was about to say something when one of jennie's dogs started barking scaring the crap out of me ''kai don't be so loud'' jennie said. scolding her dog, it's not like it would help anything i mean the dog doesn't understand what she's saying.

''let's go dalgom'' i said. i know what i just said, don't judge me, i like talking to my dog. i walked into the small house taking dalgom with me while jennie followed me with the suitcases behind her.

after settling in jennie decided we would sit on the front of the small house since it has a pretty big couch and some chairs too with a coffee table, i sat down feeling overwelmed and a headache coming up ''do you want some thee?'' jennie asked

''no. i just have a masive headache'' i said. jennie stood up and walked inside probably getting some water and pain killers

''take this'' she demanded, i took the pill and washed it down with water, dalgom then came running out with kai and kuma. i layed down on the couch as dalgom jumped on the couch as well, laying beside me i wrapped my arms around his tiny body ''take some rest now'' jennie said sitting on the chair she was sitting on earlier 

i closed my eyes and snuggled closer to dalgom burrying my face in his body, he licked my face a little but i just ignored it, not that long after i fell asleep on the couch with dalgom.

the bright sun started to wake me up, i slowly opened my eyes, jennie was still sitting infront of me reading one of her books while having kuma on her lap and kai down at her feet while dalgom was still laying beside me ''how long did i sleep?'' i questioned rubbing my eyes scaring dalgom in the meantime

''long enough for me to have walked the dogs and have a fight with a bitch who is also on the other side right now, i moved a little bit hearing someone say

'haha the crazy bitch is talking to herself' i frowned and sat straight up rubbing my eyes again 

''you had a fight?'' i asked confused, she looked calm but she probably just doesn't want to stress me out ''with who, and most importantly what happened?'' 

''that bitch that's sitting there infront of us'' jennie said as she trew a glare to the other side making me turn my head to be met by the glare of a brunnet girl with bangs and big doe eyes, her nose lookes like the L shape if you really pay attention to the way it's standing, her hair tied in a pony tail and she's wearing a crop top with a skirt and vans, her lips are plumpy and red, her make up is done in a natural but somehow harsh way if that makes sense, her hands are big but slim, her figure seems to be tall and her waist is small.

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