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''today we will have a new student, she's from the countryside so she might need to adjust to this place so be nice to her and help her if she needs it'' i smiled happily to my new classmates ''introduce yourself please'' my new professor said with a sweet tone

''i'm park chaeyoung but you can also call me rosé, that's my english name and i'm 17 i hope we can all be friends'' the prof pointed a chair out for me so i went and sat down

''i love your name it's pretty'' i looked to my side and saw a girl with dumpling cheeks ''i'm jennie nice to meet you'' i smiled back and nodded my head ''how long have you been living here?'' 

''2 days'' she nodded her head and she looked back to the board, in the corner of my eyes i could see her rolling her eyes is she like a bully i mean she looks super nice so i don't think so. i payed attention to the rest of the class and at the end of it i packed my stuff when jennie spoke up

''stay here'' she said in a cold demanding tone wich i don't really like, i then noticed a girl walking in while holding this guys color basically dragging him in

''who's that?'' the girl asked in a cold tone

''some countryside girl'' jennie said with a scoff, i was right i guess but maybe they are just joking? ''

''come here'' the still unknown girl said but she looks super pretty i can't even tell if she's wearing make up or not, i slowly walked towards her and she trew the guy to the floor and i wanted to kneel down and help him but the girl grabbed my arm tightly ''listen here if you don't do as i say i will beat the living shit out of you'' i blinked a couple of times before nodding my head

''yah! don't hurt her!'' i heard the guy yell and jennie kicked him in the stomach ''fuck you'' he uttered but before jennie could kick him a guy around our age walked in and wrapped his arm around jisoo and another guy joined and wrapped his arm around jennie

''c'mon babe let's go'' the two guys said in unison, the girl pushed me slightly makig me stumble, the four left the room and i knelt down infront of the guy

''hey are you okay?'' he nodded his head but he was clearly in pain ''you can tell me the truth i won't hurt you'' he sighed and crawled to sit up so i helped him a bit

''it hurts yeah'' he uttered ''my name is junkook, you are chae.. uhm chaeyoung right?'' i chuckled and nodded my head ''nice'' a girl then barged into the room and pushed me harshly 

''get away from him asshole!'' she yelled 

''chill lisa she was just helping me!'' the guy said holding his stomach ''she's now also a victom of them'' the girl junkook called lisa bit her lower lip and turned to me

''i'm sorry i thought you where one of those bully's'' she held out her hand and helped me stand up 

''it's fine don't worry'' i smiled and junkook is now also standing ''do you need a cool pack or something?'' i asked and he just shook his head

''what's your name?''

''chaeyoung or rosé'' she furrowed her eyebrows ''ah chaeyoung is my korean name and rosé is my english name'' she nodded her head and smiled

''let's go eat something before lunch is over'' lisa said and she turned to me ''you wanna join us?'' i smiled and nodded my head, we walked to the cafetaria and i saw those four people who hurt junkook earlier and they where litarally al over eachother

''it's gross'' lisa whispered to me 

''they should just get a room at this point'' i chuckled and nodded my head, i got startled when someone touched my shoulder and everyone was quiet now

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