best friends

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Hello i'm park chaeyoung i am 17 and i go to highschool in seoul south korea, my best friend is jisoo of course i have more friends then just jisoo but she's the bestest out of all my friends. i'm not super popular at school but people respect me not everyone though but it's fine not everyone has to like me. i'm with jennie and v now they are siblings and it's also early in the morning but we had to do something so now we are already at school ''i'm so hungry'' v whined while holding his stomach 

''i have food'' i said reaching for a container with foods ''here'' he happily took it and started  eating it, there goes my food but it's fine he's hungry and he's my friend

''rosé did you finish your homework?" i nodded my head and showed her my notes ''can you help me?'' i slightly smiled and nodded my head, i was helping her when i saw jisoo walking in and this guy stopped her and it looked like he was flirting with her and jisoo being jisoo flirts back ''rosé?'' jennie waved her hand infront of my face making me flinch

''i'm sorry let's continue'' i sighed and explained the homework to jennie when someone put her hands on my shoulders 

''good morning'' jisoo said while i just kept explaining to jennie 

''you understand now?'' jennie nodded happily and i looked infront of me and saw that guy leaning against a wall while winking at someone and i suppose he's winking at jisoo, i stood up startling them 

''god damn it rosé'' v said dropping his fork

''i'm sorry'' i said in a low tone and ''i'm going to the restroom i'll be back'' i then walked off, why do i feel like this why is my heart hurting i don't like this it hurts so much i then decided to text my mom

:mom i don't feel good

mom: i'm sorry baby, come home i'll call your school.

i sighed and grabbed my stuff and i left from the other side so jisoo or jennie wouldn't try to stop me when i obviously had to bumb into one of my other friends ''hey chaeng where you going?'' namjoon askd but i suddenly felt tears rolling down my cheeks ''yah rosie why are you crying?" he hugged me and carrased my back 

''i'm going home i feel like shit'' i said through sobs 

''okay we will come over after school okay?'' i just nodded my head and left, i walked home and immediatly went up to my room ignoring my mom's presanse but she obviously noticed something was wrong so she walked into my room 

''what happened hunny?'' i sat on my bed and looked down

''i don't know i just felt hurt here'' i put my hand on my chest and tapped the space where my heart is ''it hurts a lot'' 

''alright just rest for now'' i nodded my head and changed my clothes into a hoodie and sweat pants, i layed on my bed and fell asleep


''sweetie you have some visitors'' i woke up and sat down on my bed rubbing my eyes ''can they come in?'' i nodded my head still rubbing my eyes and adjusting to the light

''chaengie'' i slightly opened my eyes and saw it was jisoo, she crawled onto my bed and sat infront of me ''why didn't you say you where sick?'' i shrugged my shoulders and layed back down 

''rosé look what i found" junkook pulled out a chipmunk keychain "looks like you" i stood up and smacked his head "that hurts" he whined making me roll my eyes

"Deserved" i sat on my desk while the others sat on my bed, it looked like jisoo kept wanting to say something but i tried to ignore it but not really on purpose

"Hey guys come we need to do something" Irene said and jisoo was about to stand up too but "yah you stay here with rosé" she sighed and sat back down

"We will see you tomorrow or maybe not" they then left the room leaving us in total silence

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