My ex girlfriend

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i was in a group/ band called Blackpink we were the most popular girl group and i think we still are but we quit all because of me.. i might have to introduce myself first before i will explain about what happened. i'm park chaeyoung also known as rosé i'm now 24 and we quit about a year ago jisoo and i were dating for quiet a while actually nobody knew about it except for our band mates jennie and lisa and our boss yg. one night i went to a bar and i honestly don't remember what happened, the next morning i had woken up naked and in a unknown place and i knew i fucked up so i just decided to tell the truth to the girls and they were really mad, jennie called me a slut and lisa punched me, jisoo on the other hand was really hurt and mad she didn't show that she was hurt by trying to cover it with anger, she slapped me and called me a lot of things like slut, hoe, bitch, whore and a lot of other things. after that out world tour got canceled and we quit because i couldn't be in the same room as them without getting called something or somebody looking dirty at me, all of my other friends find me disgusting too but i have no idea what even happened but i'm assuming i had sex with someone else and i feel really fucking guilty about it.

i now live in a smal apartment complex and let's just say it's really cheap and dirty, my room has one torn couch a matress, a table, a frich, a small kitchen counter and a tv which works sometimes if the power isn't off i don't even have a closet i had to sell a lot of my stuff to even like affort stuff, i only eat raman and drink water cause that's the only thing i can afford i have no job and my mom and cousin jimin are the only two people that even care about me, they try give me money every week which they do but it's not a lot but i'm still grateful. my mom is sick though so she can't always give money, after the incident everything went down, my father hates me even more than he already did.

i barely eat, i drink more than i eat i have four whiskey bottles and i get drunk almost every night trying to drown my thoughts but they only get worse when i drink.


i sighed and opened the door  to find jimin infront of the door with another guy ''hey sis'' he said with a bright smile on his face even though he looked a bit worried ''have you been eating?'' i nodded my head even though i barely ate today and the days before that ''well this is kai my new friend i've been telling you about and we are going to the bar so i was wondering if you wanted to come his girlfriend will be there too so you won't be the only girl'' i smiled

''i would have to decline'' jimin's face fell

''please you barely go out anymore it's even worse than at first'' i sighed and eventually nodded my head, i changed into tight black pants and a simple shirt and a little bit of make up, after that i got in jimins car and he drove us to a bar and as soon as we got there i got out and followed jimin and kai in as we started getting closer to one of the tables i noticed an all o familiar figure sitting at the table 

''hey babe'' kai said and the girl turned around and her face fell as she saw me ''are you okay baby you look like you saw a ghost'' she smiled at kai and stood up to kiss him 

''worse than a ghost'' she sat taking a glance at me, jennie is still the same and jimin seemed to notice what was wrong

''hey if this is out of your comfort zone you can leave'' jimin said but i shook my head, i don't want her to get into my head all over again. jennie had really hurt me with her words but i can't really blame her for that i mean i cheated.. i think.

''well uh..'' 

''chaeyoung'' i uttered making kai nod

''jen this is chaeyoung jimins sister and chaeyoung this is my girlfriend jennie i think you two would get a long very well'' i nodded my head and sat down feeling a little dizzy from everything, after a couple of minutes jimin seemed to notice something but i couldn't really think straight cause of everything happening, jennie's dirty looks all over again and the barely eating and drinking water it's making my head spin

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