love at first sight?

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''c'mon please unnie'' suno whined, i sighed and gave in ''yay!'' he jumped up and down and mom and dad just watched.

some time later we had arrived at a jumping park, i'm not really a fan of jumping and sweating and stuff like that it's just really not my thing but i can't resist my little brother, suno had already pulled me to the front even though mom and dad are supposed to pay.

''hey unnie..'' suno pulled on my sleeve making me look at him ''you're gonna play with me right?'' i just nodded not being able to say no to that adorable face, he smiled happily and mom payed since she was faster than dad. suno and i both got one of those paper bracelets things, suno waited for mom and dad to find a table close to the trampolines so he could show them cool tricks he learned at gymnastics, yes he does gymnastics. don't judge. 

''alright don't hurt yourself and have fun'' dad said and sat down next to mom, suno and i nodded our heads and suno pulled me with him up the small stairs, soon we were standing on the trampolines and suno was trying to get me to jump but i wasn't doing much

''okay get off i wanna show mom and dad something'' i shook my head and got off, he than did a back flip which he had recently learned. 

i was just looking around a bit when i noticed lisa's little sister ava also suno's crush ''suno isn't that you're crush ava?'' i asked and suno  stopped jumping turning around and a big smile appeared on his face but it also dissapeared as fast as it came 

''wait what do i do, do i look good wha-'' 

''jisoo!'' i looked up and saw lisa waving at me 

''sunoooo!!'' ava yelled and ran towards us, i chuckled and shook my head, i was to busy watching suno and ava that i didn't even notice lisa walking towards me 

''since when do you come to places like this?'' lisa asked confused but before i could answer lisa pulled a girl from beside her hooking their arms ''ohhh jisoo this is my cousin chaeyoung and chaeng this is my best friend jisoo'' i smiled and nodded but the blond put her hand infront of me so i took it

''it's nice to meet you jisoo'' a smile krept onto my face 

''it's nice to meet you too chaeyoung'' she nodded her head and smiled a bit pulling away her hand again 

''sweetie where did suno go?'' i looked behind chaeyoung and suno and ava had dissapeared. i let out a groan and shrugged my shoulders ''please go look for him i don't want him to be doing anything stupid'' i nodded my head and lisa hooked her arm with mine too now and she pulled me with her

''let's go find those two'' lisa said happily ''you know i noticed ava has been talking about suno a lot lately'' i nodded my head and looked around a little ''suno too and he's clingy'' 

''he has a crush on ava'' i said looking around more


''fuck lisa lower your voice'' chaeyoung said annoyed 

''mianhe'' she smiled slightly at the blond and than she unhooked our arms ''found them! i'll go watch them have fun!'' lisa than ran off and left me with chaeyoung alone, i scratched my neck awkwardly while cheayoung turned to me just looking at me 

''you're brother is cute'' 

''he is'' i agreed 

''you don't have to be awkward with me i'm literally lisa's cousin besides i'm a lot more fun than lis'' i let out a laugh and chaeyoung just stood there confidently with her arms crossed and a small smirk plastered on her face

''i barely know you how should i know if you are more fun then lisa?'' she shrugged and smiled

''i just know'' i smiled and looked her in the eyes ''you wanna sit or go do something?'' she asked

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