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"You bastard, where are you taking me?"

"You guys shut his mouth for me"

Pond shouted loudly at Phuwin's curse, asking his friends behind him to cover Phuwin's mouth. Phuwin was immediately controlled by two people sitting next to him. He only had time to see a person named Ohm.

"Little brother, be quiet before Pond gives you a few punches."

Ohm shook his head, he was just worried about Phuwin, he was afraid that his best friend Pond would punch Phuwin for being friends with the hospital for a whole month, so he had the good intention of reminding him. Pond drove all the way to the outskirts of the city a bit, where there was a house he probably used to live in when he wanted to be alone.

Phuwin was rushed inside, Ohm and Pond's group of friends had left, now this place was just him and me. Pond did not speak, he simply did one thing, which was to drag Phuwin inside, the house was simple but looked very comfortable. As soon as Phuwin was pulled into the middle of the living room, he bent down and bit his hand.

Pond felt Phuwin biting him, he was trying again, but he squeezed his hand tighter and pulled his body closer to him. Another sound rang out

"You dare bite me?"

"Let me go"

Phuwin's anger flared up. He used his other hand that wasn't held by him to try to remove his hand but failed. Pond actually let go, but he threw him down on the sofa in the middle of the living room. Frowning slightly in pain, Phuwin suddenly shivered when he met his deep, incomprehensible eyes. The smell of red wine began to cover the room, becoming more and more intense.

Phuwin covered his mouth and nose with his hand after feeling his pheromones in the air. It was so strange, his body suddenly trembled. Pond approached Phuwin, looking at his expression, knew he was being affected by Pond's pheromones

"Phuwin, you can't beat me"

Letting out a sentence, Pond folded his arms and looked at him struggling down there. Phuwin stood up and faced him, they were alphas, there was no point in fighting back, such words appeared in Phuwin's head.

The two looked at each other, a tense eye duel taking place between just the two of them. Phuwin just wanted to prove that he was not inferior to him so he stood up to threaten him, but now he suddenly realized that he was standing closer to him. This close distance of Pond made him clearly smell his pheromones, the smell of wine went straight to his nose, then spread to Phuwin's brain. Looking at his eyes, there was a red light and then disappearing, Phuwin was startled and backed away, it couldn't be, this aura was stronger than a dominant alpha.

"Pond...Pond you are Enigma"

Phuwin's breathing was unstable, inhaling another person's enemy pheromones was enough to make him lose a lot of strength. He asked in doubt, because he felt like he was being controlled by his pheromones, and his pheromones continued to radiate more and more uncontrollably.

"That's smart Phuwin, now you should understand that you won't be able to do anything to me, right?"

Pond raised his voice, his cold voice cut into Phuwin's brain, he actually bumped into an Enigma, what should he do, why didn't he retrieve the pheromones.

The smell of wine and mint began to spread in the air, both of these smells were a bit cold, just like that blending together, Phuwin began to feel that his body was not okay, the previous encounters, he just smelled the smell of wine emanating from his body for a while, because he would have hidden his pheromones, so no one knew he was Enigma. Phuwin knew Enigma could suppress alpha, so his body began to tremble. He backed away, now if there was only one way out he would run away immediately.

Pond noticed that Phuwin's face was starting to turn pink. He knew it was due to his pheromones, but he didn't expect Phuwin to have such an expression when he was under the influence. Phuwin's whole body trembled slightly, his breathing began to become unstable, Phuwin's eyes were a little bit springy, like the omega was about to get excited, Pond just had a thought in his mind. The scent of mint wrapped around his nose, this fresh scent appeared even stronger when he could not control his own pheromones.

Pond took back the pheromone, he felt like he must have gone crazy with the pheromone release difficult situation, stimulating an alpha, what the hell is he doing. As soon as he finished thinking in his head, he saw Phuwin running to the door, his trembling hands trying to open the lock, his pheromones had been withdrawn, but Phuwin could still feel the pressure from him, if he knew he was Enigma earlier, he wouldn't have gotten involved with him.

"You stay away from me..."

Phuwin turned around to warn him. The door couldn't be opened, making him more wary of him than anything else. The phone rang, Phuwin quickly put his hand in his pocket, no matter who was calling, he needed to pick up the phone to ask for help.

(Phuwin, where are you?)

On the other end of the line, Dunk's voice rang out. Phuwin only had time to say that he was in the suburbs before he snatched his phone away.

"You bastard, give it back"

Pond immediately threw Phuwin's phone on the table, then immediately forced him to lean against the door. He seemed to be attracted by my pheromones, even though it was only fleeting. It's not the alpha's arousal period, but due to his influence, his current pheromones are the same

Pond's pheromones are now like stimulants. Phuwin was shorter than him, reached out to grab the phone that was in his hand but in the end it was still thrown away.

His body was close to him, Phuwin was afraid and put his hand over his mouth to prevent him from inhaling more of his pheromones.

"Recover your pheromones quickly"

Phuwin shouted, then wanted to push him away,  from him. Pond slammed his hand on the door, blocking Phuwin's body

"You're the one who needs to retrieve the pheromones."

Pond's eyes became colder, but Phuwin could still read in them that he was gradually losing control. Phuwin was so scared, it must have been Enigma, he was the alpha, but with this, it was no different from the reaction between an alpha and an omega, being close to each other like this would only put both of them in danger, and the one who would suffer more would definitely be me

Pond lightly swallowed his saliva. Although the person in front of him was sharp, different from the gentle and charming omegas he had come into contact with, why did he keep looking at him? Phuwin looked at him with suspicious eyes. , I was starting to worry about what he was going to do. That worry increased even more when he pressed closer to me. Phuwin put his hands on his chest to push him away, but Pond had already pressed his lips to his lips...

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