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If the end of this month is JoongDunk's wedding, then the beginning of next month will be the wedding of PondPhuwin and GeminiFourth. The wedding ceremony of these two couples is truly a hotly discussed topic by many people, from friends to students at school, from journalists to businessmen, all are excited.

Some time ago, when Gemini accidentally revealed to his classmates that Fourth was pregnant, the news immediately spread quickly. Gemini doesn't mind, but Fourth always blushes when his friends tease him, and wants to see how his little belly is. At times like that, Gemini shows off his old school boss personality to threaten everyone. Don't tease me anymore.

Fourth often receives cakes and congratulatory gifts from friends for having a baby, and he receives these gifts on his behalf. Gemini carefully examines each item to see which ones can be used and which ones cannot be used before letting him use them with confidence.

As for Phuwin, since Pond announced that he was his fiancee, everyone in school who met him had to be respectful. It's painful for Phuwin to be cold now, everyone avoids him except his close friends and everyone in class. However, he also had a headache. Every time he talked to anyone, it was like that jar of vinegar appeared again.


Today is a busy day for PondPhuwin and GeminiFourth. They should just want to have a normal wedding party but the parents of both families don't want it. A wedding like this must be held magnificently, with many media reporting to further strengthen their position in the business world.

Currently, PondPhuwin and GeminiFourth are both waiting to welcome guests. Fourth, after a while of waiting, showed signs of fatigue, so Gemini brought a chair for him to sit on. Outside the door, JoongDunk and OhmNanon arrived, in addition to JimmySea, two doctors who often examined Fourth and had gradually become close to them.

"Just a few days ago you guys went to my wedding, now I'm going to your wedding."

Joong jokingly made the atmosphere here happier, everyone laughed at his joke. After chatting for a while, it was time for the ceremony, everyone was pulled inside, all lights and cameras were directed at them, quickly taking impressive pictures to post.

As always, the officiant presides over the wedding, waits until they both accept each other as husband and wife, then declares that they are officially in the same house and can kiss. Two couples, one wearing a pure black tuxedo mixed with wine red and the other wearing a pure white tuxedo like the morning light standing next to each other, that scene was truly outstanding and beautiful. Camera lenses and cameras are preparing to work at full capacity to capture the beautiful kiss of two couples standing on stage.

Cheers and applause rang out, and the loud voices of the friends below made the atmosphere even more exciting. The two's kiss ended, and the flower throwing was also completed. Neungdiao was the one who caught the flowers that Phuwin threw. Coincidentally, the bouquet of flowers that Fourth threw fell
into Palm's hand. All the friends around him let out a long laugh and teased:

"Next year it will definitely be this couple's turn."  PalmNeungdiao"


After a while of drinking, PondPhuwin and GeminiFourth also sat down at the table of JoongDunk, OhmNanon and JimmySea, laughing slightly because this scene was exactly the same as JoongDunk's wedding scene. Phuwin and Fourth were hungry so they searched for food. Hurrying to eat something, Fourth was banned from drinking by Gemini, in the end the one who raised the glass and the one who drank only had to lie on top.

"JoongDunk, I heard you guys are going abroad"

As soon as Phuwin finished eating the piece of cake in his mouth, he quickly spoke

"Well, we will wait until Dunk graduates, we want to go abroad to live"

"Why did you decide so suddenly?"

"It's not sudden, we've had our plans since we first fell in love."

"So are you guys going to come back to Thailand to live?"

"Probably not, but if my child wants, I will let him/her go back to Thailand. I'll ask you to keep an eye on him/herthen."

After listening, Phuwin gently nodded. A few days ago, when he went to school, Dunk spoke to the class about his future plans. He said he would go abroad with Joong, so he just knew. After understanding that was both of their intentions, Phuwin also smiled happily

"Okay, but remember to come visit us often, we will also visit you."

The banquet table let out a few laughs, showing a scene filled with happiness. PondPhuwin and GeminiFourth spent a little time chatting and then returned to welcome everyone at the party. This wedding was a bit more tiring because of the media, so they didn't really get to rest until the evening.


Phuwin came out of the bathroom, saw Pond looking intently at his phone, then went over to take a look. His eyes sparkled with surprise. When did Pond take his photo? Today he actually took a series of photos of him secretly.

"Pond, you dare secretly take pictures of me?"

Pond was used to Phuwin's half-brother, half-you address. He heard Phuwin's voice from behind him, turned around and smiled at him, gently pulling him into his arms. He greedily smelled the mixed scent of shower gel. the smell of mint on him

"Pond, go take a bath first, I just finished showering and you haven't showered yet and you dare hug me"

Phuwin stood up and shouted at him, only to receive a smile of unknown intent. Pond stood up suddenly, causing Phuwin to step back

"Wait until I finish showering, I will make you change the way you adress me tonight immediately"

Phuwin looked at Pond's meaningful smile and his back as he walked into the bathroom and immediately turned black. Should he run away now? He suddenly regretted it. He shouldn't have accepted to marry such a schemer like him. Reaching out to open the door, Phuwin silently cried, but his little father had already been standing outside the door. He heard voices coming from outside.

"Phuwin, serve your husband well tonight, I want a grandchild to hold"

Reaching out to gently turn the door lock, his face darkened even more when he realized that his father was standing outside and had locked the door. He heard the sound of water flushing in the bathroom, he suddenly shivered a few times, maybe he would get sick tonight.

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