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When Phuwin arrived home, he saw Gemini standing in front of the car door. He knew Fourth and Phuwin's home address thanks to what his father told him earlier. Gemini stood in front of the car door, arms crossed, waiting. He didn't have the house keys so he had to go out, leaving Fourth inside his car.

Fourth was sleeping peacefully in the car, the smell of pheromones was still lingering, so Gemini decided to let him stay inside, while I went outside to wait to avoid losing control at any time. When he saw Phuwin jumping down from the taxi, he still looked calmly, knowing Phuwin was angry, but he still calmly stood leaning against the side of the car.

"Stay away"

Phuwin saw Fourth sleeping in his car. Fortunately, Gemini knew how to stand outside. If he saw him sitting in the car with Fourth, he swore he would fight him.

"Open the door, I'll carry him in"

Gemini spoke, immediately receiving Phuwin's key

"You open the door for me, I'll carry my brother"

Phuwin was stupid enough to let that alpha carry Fourth in. He then opened the door and saw Fourth breathing evenly and the pheromones gradually stabilized before he breathed a sigh of relief, but aren't your lips a bit red? Are you wearing lipstick? So, Phuwin suddenly felt a bit strange.

"Did you do anything to my brother?"

Phuwin turned around and looked at Gemini

"Who do you think I am, by the way, without me your brother would be eaten, don't raise your voice at me"

Phuwin remembered that when he was looking for Fourth in the bathroom, he actually saw an alpha being punched. His eyes fell on Gemini for a while, and in the end, he didn't look at him anymore and went back into the car.

After carrying Fourth out, Gemini went ahead and opened the door for him

"So this is his room?"

After Gemini opened the door to help Phuwin, he stood and looked around Fourth's room. simple but very fragrant, the smell was as sweet as his own pheromones. Phuwin was busy placing Fourth neatly on the bed and covering him with a blanket so he couldn't do anything. As soon as he stabilized, he turned around and kicked his leg

"Get out, don't look at my brother's room"

Gemini was then pushed out by Phuwin. Without mercy, he was kicked out of the house. As soon as he passed the door, he turned around to look at Phuwin

"Hey, I suddenly like your brother so much, I'll flirt with him"

Phuwin's mouth twitched when he heard Gemini say this, why do you like it, you still want to flirt with my brother, why is this guy want flirt with my brother?

"Dream, try having that idea with my brother"

After hearing this sentence, Gemini simply smiled

"But I already have an idea, should I call my wife first?"

Gemini wants to make Phuwin crazy

"Your father's brother-in-law, even if my brother gets married, he won't marry a bully like you."

Phuwin raised his threatening eyes and looked at him. Just thinking about him studying with his younger brother was enough to make him mad, and now he even wanted to approach his younger brother, Phuwin knew he didn't have any good intentions. Thinking of this, Phuwin reminded himself to warn Fourth carefully in the future. If he saw him, he had to stay as far away as possible.

Gemini didn't argue with Phuwin anymore, he just tilted his head and turned away, his smile without meaning made Phuwin angry, he didn't look at him anymore and closed the door. He swore to this door that he would not let him take another step inside.


The next morning, Fourth woke up in bed sleepily, remembering what had just happened to him yesterday, his eyes widened and he jumped up. This familiar bed reassured me a bit, but when I tried to remember what happened last night, my face turned red like a ripe tomato.

Fourth couldn't believe he'd rushed to kiss him. Remembering this made his face distort. Even so, I still... let him take off my pants and touch that part of me to be rude. Fourth couldn't stop himself from remembering the times he made that strange sound. He cried and put his hands on his face, touching his cheeks with both hands as if he couldn't believe it.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!

Fourth lay face down on the bed, crawled into the pillow and high-fived. I'm shy. If I see him at school now, I don't know where to look. He'll tease me. It's really annoying when I'm in heat, I've never seen him before. I want to become a beta like P' Dunk now. Fourth lay in the room for a long time, until Phuwin knocked on the door and called him, then he stood up and jumped out of bed. Sticking his head out the door as if afraid Phuwin would see his strange expression, he gingerly put on his bag and walked down the stairs.

"Fourth, eat breakfast then go to school"

Phuwin's voice came from behind, making Fourth startled and turned around to look at his brother in a standing position. This solemn standing posture made Phuwin suspicious, his brother was scared, so cute. Phuwin laughed and pushed Fourth to sit down at the dining table.

     "Eat up, I'll take you to school later"

"P' Phuwin, I'm sorry, yesterday I made you worried"

Fourth put on a puppy dog ​​face and apologized to Phuwin

"It's okay if you go to school, stay away from Gemini, if you see him, run away, okay?"


Fourth also wants to hide from Gemini right now, I don't dare look at him for a second, let alone meet him. But Fourth is afraid that he will cause trouble with you. Every time Gemini sees you, he can't help but feel itchy, and it's definitely not okay for him to ignore you.


Phuwin, after safely leading Fourth to class, returned to his class to look for Dunk. Yesterday's incident still wasn't going well, so he was worried that Dunk wouldn't be in the spirit this morning. And that's true, Dunk is currently sitting in his seat, the book on the table is open but his eyes have been looking out the window, thinking for a long time, to the point that Phuwin came closer and knocked on the table a few times. Dunk was startled when he realized Phuwin.

"What are you thinking about that makes you feel like you've lost your soul?"

Phuwin pulled the chair at his desk close to Dunk, dug out a lunch box from his bag, and pushed it in front of him. Dunk turned and received the familiar lunch box, trying to smile

"I'm fine, are you looking at me okay?"

"There many stars"

Phuwin was bored, Dunk didn't say anything, just smiled faintly and sat down to eat all the rice that Phuwin prepared. Phuwin patted Dunk's shoulder, then returned to his desk, giving him back the quiet space.


(Where's my rice?)

As soon as he sat back at the table, Phuwin received a text message from him

(If you want food, go find your father, I'm not your servant)

Phuwin, ever since he saw Gemini beating Fourth in front of the classroom that day, he no longer listened to him. After accepting it, it was the same. He vowed to go fight him. He accepted that it was the same, he vowed to go fight him if he saw Fourth get beaten again. But right now he has something more to worry about. Yesterday Gemini dared to say he liked him. Now he not only won't hit him but can also approach him in that way. Phuwin can't think no matter what, he's sure. This morning in class, Gemini did some strange tricks.

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