CH 15 - KISS

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The warmth of Phuwin's lips began to surround him. As soon as Pond touched his lips, he became uncontrollably aroused. He felt the person in front of him stiffen for a long moment. Phuwin used a little force to push him away, but his lips were still entangled with his touch. Feeling that just kissing was not enough, he sucked Phuwin's lips, the mint scent wrapped around his nose, making his actions more violent. Phuwin couldn't resist, his pheromones made his whole body weak, he only knew he was forcing him to kiss him.

Unable to breathe, Phuwin was forced to open his mouth. Pond took advantage of that moment to put his tongue in. The arm that was blocking his body let go, then placed it on his waist and pulled him to him. Pond greedily stirred every corner, tasting the cool taste on Phuwin's tongue. That warm mouth made him kiss like crazy, even more passionately than the times he kissed other omegas in the bar.

Phuwin couldn't breathe, so he used all his strength to push him away, making a loud sound rang out in the air, he used all his strength to slap him. Phuwin leaned back against the wall panting, looking at him with hateful eyes. His first kiss was actually taken away by this bastard. Pond was silent for a long time at this slap. His heart had already accumulated anger from the time he grabbed his hair, plus this time he received another slap from him. Pond approached and forced Phuwin again, this time. He probably let go of his lips, but the neck area was where he was aiming. He used one hand to open up a part of his shirt, gently touching his lips to his collarbone.

"Get off me, you pervert"

Phuwin tried to push him away, not forgetting to curse him angrily, his heart pounded when his hand began to slide behind his neck, lightly touching the nape of his neck, pulling his head closer. Pond was still gnawing on his neck and collarbone. His shirt was pulled down halfway. Phuwin tried to hold back but his strength was not enough. His pheromones made it harder for him to resist.

As soon as Pond was satisfied with his needs, he wanted to search for Phuwin's lips again, but he suddenly saw that his eyes were a little watery, he stopped, only now remembering his actions just now. Phuwin just took this opportunity to quickly push him away, kicked him in the stomach, reached out to pull back the part of his shirt he was holding, opened the door and ran out.


Phuwin looked around, what the hell was this place? It would take tomorrow morning to walk to the city. Phuwin saw his car in front of the door and quickly ran to check it out, but it didn't have a lock so he couldn't get in. He remembered his phone was in there, but Phuwin didn't want to go in there again for ten seconds.

There was a noise behind him, Phuwin turned around and saw Pond walking out. He stepped back, his cold eyes looking towards Pond.

"What are you going to do next?"

Pond walked up to him, he didn't say anything, just opened the door


Phuwin was bewildered for a long time

"Do you want to go home?"

Pond asked, he opened the door and gave  him time. If you don't get in the car, he will he will drop you here and leave you alone.

"If you do anything to me, you'll definitely get punched."

Phuwin raised his voice, still wary of him, also hesitant because he was afraid of what he would do to him in the car

"You're already scared just a little bit? Are you finally the dominant alpha?"

Pond calmly let out a mocking sentence at Phuwin, are you afraid, he is Enigma, even if you are an alpha, you cannot fight against him. Phuwin finally had to step inside. The first thing he did was ask for his phone back. He was kind enough to bring it here for him.

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