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Dunk still went to school today, but because of his sore leg, it was very difficult for him to walk from the garage to class. Phuwin told him to rest for a few days, but Dunk didn't want to. Staying at home too much was really boring, so he took his own car this morning. When he went to see Phuwin later, he would probably only get scolded a few times. Dunk understood. Count Phuwin. Looking up at the sign posted in front of him, the six words "Damaged elevator under repair" made Dunk tiredly sigh, look around for a while, maybe he should take the stairs.

Dunk took each heavy step up each step. Jumping up each step made him very exhausted. Just as he was about to lean forward and jump up, Dunk felt his body become lighter, someone was lifting him up. Dunk turned around to look, his eyes could not avoid surprise when he saw that it was Joong

"Hey what are you doing, put me down"

Dunk, after a moment of bewilderment, suddenly came to his senses and shouted loudly, causing everyone to passing by to keep looking at both of them. He doesn't dare to scream now, but he still doesn't want him to hold him like this

"Joong, put me down"

"Sit still, your leg is injured, how long will it take to get there?"

He still stubbornly refused to let Dunk down, he picked him up and calmly walked up the stairs, ignoring everyone's looks, Dunk's popularity as well as his was enough for everyone to wonder among themselves. Then, Dunk didn't dare to do anything anymore, having to pick him up like this made him just stay silent and put his arms around his neck tightly.

Dunk feels the smell of this alcohol, the smell of Rum from his pheromones. He once said that because his pheromones are Rum, his mood is very unpredictable, because he often changes it quickly and rarely does anyone know. You can tell what he's thinking, like right now Dunk is also wondering why he carried him like that, if he was just helping, and why he appeared here. His department is the Department of Engineering.

A mess appeared in Dunk's head, the smell of Rum wrapped around his nose, this smell of alcohol... seemed to bring
him some sense of peace but Dunk didn't understand why. Before his thoughts could be explained, he had already brought him to class. Strangely, he probably even knew his class. It wasn't until Phuwin appeared in front of Joong that Dunk realized that Joong knew Phuwin's class, and from there he knew his own class.

Joong came to see Phuwin today to talk about something, probably asking Phuwin to help take care of Dunk, and also secretly asked Phuwin to give Dunk a bag of medicine. Before he could meet Phuwin, he encountered Dunk who was having difficulty lifting his head. walking up the stairs, that's why there's the current scene where he carries the boy to the seat, and Phuwin sits on the side watching the couple take care of each other, his eyes still showing insight into the world.

Joong then also left, but spent some time outside the door talking to Phuwin. He knew Dunk was looking at him from inside, but when he looked back, those eyes were no longer for him, Dunk just kept paying attention. look out the window.


After finishing work, Joong returned to his class. Today he was a bit surprised because Pond went to school at this time. Joong slowly walked next to Pond, wanting to ask a few things, mainly to clear up his own questions.

"Hey Pond, when did you know Dunk?"

Pond was sitting and talking with his friends when he was interrupted by Joong. He turned to look at Joong with confused eyes. The two were not close enough to talk. Hearing Joong mention Dunk's name, Pond also understood why he came to him. Shaking his head and telling his friends to go back to their seats, Pond turned to look at Joong

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