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Phuwin left the room, of course, ran to Gemini's classroom, opened the door and looked around, but didn't see him. Phuwin silently cursed and walked around the school. His eyes fell on Pond who was walking with his group of friends. He ran to block him, not too fast or too slow

"Ai Sat! Didn't you tell your brother to stay away from my brother"

Phuwin met Pond, the first thing he said was to curse him, his eyes looked at him without any sympathy. Pond was suddenly blocked his way, knowing why Phuwin was looking for him

"Wasn't being beaten enough yesterday?"

Pond raised his voice, it was so calm that he took the above warning as air. Phuwin gritted his teeth, he once again raised his fist in his face. Bastards like this deal with each other with fists, but he probably won't even listen until spring. Pond grabbed Phuwin's arm, pushing him back against the wall behind him. Phuwin didn't have time to figure out when his hand blocked him on the wall

"If you don't listen to me, then it's not my brother's fault"

Phuwin stiffened

"I've given you time to think for too long. My brother is not the average person. If you don't agree, I won't stop him."

Pond raised his voice, Phuwin heard this, even though his heart was boiling hot, he still tried to stay calm in front of him. He blocked him, the smell of wine escaped again, it was so strong, his body felt like it was empty. He couldn't resist him anymore. Looking at his face at such a close distance, if it's fair, it can be considered beautiful, but his features make Phuwin hate him so there's no time to think about how beautiful he must be.

Phuwin reached out to push him away, his heart was in turmoil, he was thinking that if he did not listen to him, Fourth might be in more danger. Fourth now has pheromones, this is even more dangerous.

"Okay, I will listen to you, remember to tell your brother to stay away from him."

After Phuwin finished speaking, he turned around and left, leaving Pond behind with a satisfied smile. Wouldn't it have been less painful if he had accepted earlier, Phuwin Tangsakyuen. Pond said this in his heart. He and his friends left school because they were not interested in studying. Partying was his favorite place.

Fourth woke up and saw Dunk sitting next to him. He sat up and gently rubbed his slightly sore forehead. Trying to remember, I only remember going to the bathroom, then my body suddenly got hot, my heart beat uncontrollably when I inhaled Gemini's coffee-scented pheromones, then I fainted, and when I woke up,  I see myself lying here

"Fourth, are you awake?"

"P' Dunk, have you been here long?"

"Not too long. If you're tired, you can rest."

As soon as Dunk finished speaking, Phuwin returned. He approached and placed his hand on Fourth's cheek, pushing his hand to look back and forth to see if anything was wrong. After examining him for a while, he finally sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Fourth, you have pheromones, you have to control it later, you know?"

Phuwin was worried to death. If Fourth's pheromones accidentally seduced the other alpha, he didn't know how dangerous it would be.

"Daddy knows you have pheromones. Now he's forcing us both to go home and won't let us live alone anymore."

Phuwin called his father earlier, then his father forced him to move the things home when he learned that Fourth had pheromones. Fourth gently nodded in understanding.

"First, collect your pheromones."

Phuwin spoke, Dunk sitting next to him also nodded. Fourth looked at the two men bewildered

"I...I can't control pheromones"

Fourth felt dizzy, what should I do? I also felt my body emitting pheromones. Fortunately, my brother was not affected, and so was P' Dunk, a beta.

"It's okay, now I'll take you home to pack your things, you can take the suppressant."

Phuwin, after asking the nurse for a dose of suppressant, returned home with Fourth. Dunk came back later. He recently found a space. The space is very suitable to rest, in the early afternoon he still has class, going there to study quietly is a great thing, this is also his private space, only he knows.


Dunk opened the door slightly, entering a room that was neither too small nor too large, a room that few people discovered right next to the terrace. Dunk opened the curtains, slightly opened the window to let the breeze in. Seeing the scenery from above was his hobby. Returning to the table where he usually sat to study, Dunk sat and worked for a while. Finally, because he was tired, he climbed up and fell asleep on the sofa behind him.


Another sound of opening the door, this time someone entered Dunk's room. He didn't pay attention and locked the door, after seeing a pile of books on the table and a stranger lying with his back to him. While sleeping, his face suddenly darkened. He couldn't see the sleeping person's face, but he was already angry because someone dared to invade his room

"Who the hell dares to sleep in my room !"

Dunk was startled when he heard the sound of stepping on the table and a voice filled with a cold tone. I didn't have time to see clearly who that person was, but he dared to call me a bastard. Dunk jumped up, turned around and cursed

    "Who are you? I like sleeping here, who can stop me?"

Silence surrounded this room after Dunk clearly saw the other person's facial features. Dunk remained silent, his eyes suddenly looking at the person who was also looking at him. He remained motionless for a long time, his mouth only able to utter one word


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