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Phuwin finished school and as soon as he walked out the door, he saw Pond waiting for him. When he saw him, he knew what he intended. Taking each step out of the door, he stood in front of him and spoke

"Let me go find Fourth first"

Receiving Pond's nod, Phuwin felt secure and went back to Fourth's department. Today Pond and Gemini wanted to come and talk to both families. They had arranged to call and make an appointment for both TayNew and EarthMix to go to a restaurant together.  Phuwin had no choice but to go with him. After all, this was a big deal. Moreover, if he let Fourth go alone, he wouldn't feel secure, even though he knew that his big dad and his little dad would be there at the rendezvous point.

As soon as Phuwin arrived at the big building, he saw Fourth walking next to Gemini, both of them were also moving towards Pond and him. When the four people's eyes met, Gemini just told the three of them to wait while he went to get the car for all four of them. Then leave the school, it's almost dark now, if we don't hurry then the parents will wait a long time, Gemini presses hard on the accelerator, he was anxious to talk to both families.

As soon as he entered the restaurant, Fourth turned to his father Mix and rushed to hug him. Mix smiled and gently rubbed his adorable youngest child. A few seconds later, he seemed to smell something so he stopped acting. again. Mix tried to smell where this coffee smell was coming from. After paying attention for a while, he discovered that Fourth's body was marked with pheromones.

"Fourthhhhh, why did you get marked, who gave you permission to be marked?"

Mix was so surprised that he screamed. Fortunately, this was a VIP room so no one other than the two families heard. Fourth heard Mix's scolding and retreated, his eyes full of apology directed towards his father. Regarding Mix's words, Earth also looked at his son in shock, coffee-smelling pheromones?

Earth turned his eyes to Gemini, looked at him for a moment and then questioned

"Gemini, why did you mark Fourth? Do you know that omegas are only influenced by the person who marked them?"

Earth does like Gemini, but that doesn't mean Gemini can mark him as his own first

"I know, I'm sorry for letting this bad thing happen. I invited everyone here today because I wanted to tell my story to Fourth. I want to marry Fourth and take him home."

Gemini turned his sincere eyes to EarthMix, and TayNew sitting next to him was soon motionless because of his son's words. The two of them know that Gemini liked Fourth very much in the past, and often took care of him, but is it too early to get married now, when both are just students.

"Big dad, small dad, don't blame Gemini, Fourth... Fourth also likes Gemini."

Fourth grabbed Mix's arm and raised his soft voice, now that he was facing the elders of the two families, he couldn't help but feel shy, but he couldn't bear to see Gemini being scolded, That's why I spoke up to defend him.

"If you have the mark, you have to get married soon, I want to have a grandchild."

Tay is probably the most excited person right now. In fact, Tay was impressed by Fourth a lot since the first time they met. He also really likes his cuteness and really wants to pamper him. Tay really wants this daughter-in-law. , get married as soon as possible, age is not an important issue.

Gemini smiled, for the first time he loved his big dad so much. He turned to receive Earth's approval, he knew he was done talking. Thinking of this, he became even more certain that he could easily pass through his parents' hurdles and bring Fourth home. The Phuwin level is the hardest, look at it now, Phuwin is looking at him with bullet-shaped eyes.

"Phuwin, stop looking at Gemini with those eyes"

Mix sat next to Phuwin and lightly hit Phuwin, just to remind his son to stop looking at other people's sons with those eyes. Mix knew that Phuwin loved Fourth very much, so when Fourth was about to be married off, he would definitely not be quiet and riot for a while, but now with TayNew, Phuwin moderated his attitude.

"Dad, Fourth is about to be married off. I was robbed of Fourth by him."

Phuwin said while pointing at Gemini to accuse, the whole family could only shake their heads in disgust.

"So what about you? Are you willing to marry Pond? This morning Pond talked about the engagement with you two."

The story of Gemini and Fourth is over, now the focus begins to shift to the story between Phuwin and Pond. After Phuwin listened, he sat quietly and contemplated for a while, his heart suddenly beating a few times, as if he was anxiously waiting for a decision from both families.

"Let's get them married, we can get them married with GeminiFourth"

As always, Tay was the one who animated this conversation. This time, Tay successfully received Pond's gratitude. He smiled and gave his father a thumbs up.

"I talked to Phuwin, he also agreed to the marriage, now I officially ask for your permission to let me marry Phuwin."

Pond said, he looked at Phuwin, his eyes filled with anticipation. Facing his sincere eyes, Phuwin quietly turned to look at EarthMix, he nodded, as if he wanted to ask his father's opinion.

Mix smiled, this marriage has been wanted by both families for a long time, now hearing their own children ask for permission, adults like them are indescribably happy, of course there will be no refusal here. Mix looked at Phuwin, his oldest son. He is very hot-tempered when it comes to other people's matters, especially if it is related to Fourth, he is even more hot-tempered, because of his personality of wanting to protect his younger brother since childhood. , is also an omega, so Phuwin cares even more. That's the case with other people, but when it comes to my own affairs, I often show signs of contemplation. For example, now, my taciturnity has reappeared.

PondPhuwin and GeminiFourth sat for a while with TayNew and EarthMix to discuss marriage. When the discussion was over, they all left the restaurant to go home. Standing in front of the restaurant, Phuwin turned to Gemini and Pond and spoke

"Let me take Fourth home, see you tomorrow"

"It's okay if you change your name from now on, Pond really wants to hear it."

Gemini teased Phuwin, successfully making Phuwin's face darken. After teasing him, he ran away first, not forgetting to fix Fourth's warm coat and gently pat his head. Pond looked at Phuwin and spoke softly

"Be careful on the road, see you tomorrow"

After saying goodbye, Pond and Gemini returned to their respective homes, and Phuwin also drove Fourth home, telling Fourth to sleep early. Phuwin returned to his room, he turned on the computer and looked at the screen. The documents on the table showed signs that he had looked through them. Phuwin looked at them all with cold eyes, until a good night message appeared on the phone screen before he turned off the phone and went to bed to sleep.

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