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The next morning, Gemini woke up with pain coming from his head. He frowned for a moment, feeling a sweet scent spreading in the air.

Looking over, Fourth was completely naked, covered in hickeys, lying under the blanket, sleeping peacefully. A dizziness appeared in his head, recalling what happened last night made his brain work continuously. Every detail ran through his head, Gemini bent down to look at the back of Fourth's neck, but he missed the mark.

Fourth's body is currently filled with his pheromones, strangely enough, it should have been that bastard's pheromones, but now, it's actually his pheromones. Staring all doubts at Fourth, he clearly remembered how violent he was yesterday, and even shot deep inside. Thinking of this, Gemini stiffened, he actually cared, and even did the final step.

The small body next to him moved slightly, Fourth squinted his eyes and opened them slightly. The pain coming from his waist made him frown. Having difficulty moving, I raised my eyes to the side. When I met Gemini's gaze, all the images from yesterday were like a rewind film running through my head. Fourth blushed and looked at him with some fear

"Gem...Gemini...we...we yesterday..."

"No need to say anymore, I'm responsible"

A straightforward statement coming from Gemini's mouth made Fourth's face turn red, his stomach suddenly churning, moreover, a stream of fluid suddenly flowed out from his bottom as he sat up, making Fourth even more embarrassed. Gemini noticed Fourth's strange expression and quickly spoke

"Let me take you to the bathroom"

Fourth shook his head frantically but before he could react, he was gently picked up by him. Due to the pain and fatigue of his body, Fourth surrendered to him and could only hold his neck tightly with both hands. Only now did I discover that I wasn't wearing anything, and my body was still covered in hickeys.

Fourth's cheeks, already rosy, are now even rosier. He sat him down and gently wiped his body, and wholeheartedly helped him clean up the back. Fourth was extremely embarrassed, but he didn't care. He focused on bathing Fourth. After bathing, he wrapped a thick, extremely warm towel around Fourth.

"Gemini, the back of my neck is itchy, and...also...I can't smell his scent anymore."

Fourth thought about it and still didn't understand. His body no longer repelled Gemini, but instead seemed to be attracted to it. I can no longer smell anything except the smell of his coffee and my milk cream, strangely, why am I not annoyed with his pheromones now?

Fourth's question was also the question in Gemini's heart, he didn't know, he just remembered that yesterday he bit his brother Max's mark. Strangely, after he finished marking, the mark also disappeared. disappeared, leaving only the marks of his teeth.

"I'll take you to the hospital to get checked later, no matter what, I'll make sure you're not affected too much."

Gemini gently spoke, that was all, but it seemed charming, causing Fourth to immediately nod in agreement. Looking up at Gemini standing opposite him, Fourth asked

"P'...P' Phuwin how is he Gemini ?"

Gemini forgot, yesterday Phuwin was also in danger, he rushed in to save Fourth so he didn't pay attention to Phuwin, because he believed that Pond would save Phuwin, he had just woken up not long before Fourth, so has no contact with Pond, including Joong's side.

"Phuwin is okay, Pond took care of him"

"But...but where is he?"

"You just need to know that wherever my brother is, there is Phuwin, and I'm sure your brother is safe."

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