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In the blink of an eye, it was the day of JoongDunk's wedding. Yesterday, the couple's family members and close friends arrived at the resort early, and they slept over to prepare for the wedding the next morning.

Today, JoongDunk woke up early to prepare a snack for everyone. Before he could wake everyone up to eat, he was pulled to change clothes. The wedding scene had been set up a few days ago, everything seemed ready to welcome guests.

In a small room, Gemini's voice suddenly rang out, he was calling Fourth to wake up. Since discovering that Fourth was pregnant, Gemini realized one thing, not only did he crave sour foods, but he also craved sleep. Fourth could spend the entire break time in class just to sleep, and go to school later in the morning than usual because he woke up late.

Now, Fourth was curled up in the blanket, his small head not sticking out despite his calls, refusing to wake up. Gemini shook his head slightly, he hugged Fourth and sat up, patting Fourth's shoulder so he could get used to
waking up. Fourth opened his eyes, reached out to rub a few times, saw him hugging him, then reached out to hug him back, lazily closing his eyes again.

"Fourthhhh, wake up, the wedding is about to take place"

Gemini patiently called the little cat in his arms to wake up. When Fourth heard about the wedding, he suddenly realized that he shouldn't continue sleeping. He climbed out of bed and groped his way to the bathroom in a semi-conscious state, forcing Gemini to follow and watch.

Gemini had just buttoned a few buttons on Fourth's shirt when there was a loud knock on the door, Phuwin's voice rang out, breaking the gloomy early morning atmosphere. Gemini finished tying the last button of Fourth's shirt and went to open the door. Phuwin was holding a tray of food and looking at Gemini

"What are you looking at? I'm not giving it to you to eat, I'm giving it to Fourth."

Gemini became more and more familiar with Phuwin's tone, so he no longer reacted much. He stepped aside to let Phuwin carry him in. Looking at Fourth's expression, he smelled the fragrance like
that made him smile slightly.

"Where's Pond Phuwin?"

Gemini asked, usually he saw his brother attached to Phuwin, why didn't he see him today?

"Ah, he is down the hall with Ohm helping Joong arrange a few things."

After hearing this, Gemini nodded. He raised his hand, looked at his watch, and then turned to Phuwin

"You look after Fourth for me, I'll go down there and help everyone."

"Wait a minute, stand here and wait for me, I'll take Nanon over here to sit with me."

Phuwin stood up, said something to Gemini, then ran to find Nanon. Pregnant Nanon slept as much as Fourth, even more, but today he still woke up early. After bringing Nanon to the room, Gemini left and went down to the wedding reception area. In the room, there were only Nanon, Phuwin and Fourth sitting together. All three then wanted to find Dunk to chat.


Today was JoongDunk's day, so when looking at the party, the two of them stood out the most. Today is also a beautiful day, with a little sunlight shining down and a little breeze bringing in the sea breeze. Down there, Dunk's father was leading his son step by step onto the stage. Joong reached out and grabbed Dunk's arm. They both faced each other, exchanging glances filled with happiness. The moment the two of them heard the official announcement of returning home, Joong shed tears and went to touch his lips, a kiss confirming that the two of them were together.

The applause below continued to sound, Joong led Dunk to each table to offer drinks. After a while, the two finally had some free time and went to sit at the table of PondPhuwin, GeminiFourth and OhmNanon. Dunk had been traveling a lot this morning, so he was very hungry. As soon as he sat at the table, he took a piece of cake in his hand and ate it. Joong smiled, brought him a glass of water, and sat down next to Dunk.

"Congratulations, finally together"

Phuwin spoke first. At this table, he was the closest person to JoongDunk. Seeing the scene of his two close friends getting married, Phuwin was really touched. Reflecting on their path, Phuwin had to give a lot of advice, but fortunately everything eventually returned as good as before.

"Come on, let's toast"

Joong raised the glass of wine in front of everyone, everyone happily held the wine in their hands, only three people were not allowed to drink, Nanon and Fourth were pregnant, and Dunk drank too much wine this morning, Joong just saw it. Dunk picked up the glass of wine and quickly stopped him. The sound of clinking glasses rang out, everyone happily enjoyed it, Joong continued to lead Dunk away from the banquet table, the two continued to worry about their wedding.

"Fourth, okay, don't eat anymore"

Gemini again saw Fourth staring at the pickles on the table so he stopped him. Nanon saw Fourth like he saw himself a few months ago and burst out laughing. In the beginning, he also craved pickles, but now he's better, but he like to sleep more.

After the party, all the guests had left, so the group that stayed to help JoongDunk's family for a bit asked permission to leave. Currently, only JoongDunk is left. After the two of them finished everything, they took the opportunity to go to their room to rest. They both quickly fell asleep, sleeping for a while but it was late at night.


Joong woke up before Dunk, seeing the dark room so he knew it was dark. He reached out to turn on the night light, looked at the person next to him who was still sleeping and laughed. Dunk had not yet changed his tuxedo, perhaps because they were too tired in the afternoon so they both fell asleep.

Joong walked downstairs, this resort was now back to normal, he went down to the restaurant area, ordered a few dishes and waited for the staff to bring them out. He held the tray of food in his hand and then all the way up to the room.

Placing the tray of food on the table, Joong walked over and gently shook Dunk's body

"Dunk, wake up and eat something, it's dinner time."

All day today, Dunk and he were busy with the wedding. They hadn't had time to eat anything properly. There was quite a lot of alcohol in their bodies, so now they must be a bit worried about Dunk. Maybe he was so drunk that he slept without knowing anything. His call made Dunk stir, opened his eyes slightly, sat up, looked around and thought to himself, but it was already evening.

Dunk got out of bed, went to wash his face to wake himself up, sat back on the bed and saw that he had prepared a tray of food. Because he was hungry,  , he quickly ate it all, leaving nothing behind.

After Dunk finished eating, he just sat still and let him clean up. Joong put the finished tray of food back on the table, and he walked closer to Dunk, climbed on the bed and hugged him.

"Dunk, we are done eating, so let's get down to business."

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