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It's been a while since Dunk went abroad, and running away like this is both painful and tormenting his mind. The threatening photo is still in the room, every day reminding him not to love Joong too much, he's not worthy. I've thought about Phuwin's words a lot, that Joong still loves him, that he knows the truth and still loves me, many times I want to throw everything away and rush to cry with him but I feel like Being extremely timid and weak, I didn't dare, because that obsession still made me afraid of myself.

Dunk woke up in the middle of the night, because of a nightmare that had been persistently following him since he went to live abroad. He raised his hand to gently rub his temple. He couldn't escape that dream. In the dream, Joong looked at him, his eyes shining. His eyes were expressionless, then he quietly turned around and left, no matter how pitifully he called his name, this dream haunted his current awareness, that he would do the same to him, it was so painful.

Unable to sleep any longer, Dunk lightly put on a warm coat. The winter weather abroad is very cold, the temperature makes people feel numb even though they are under air conditioning. Dunk picked up his phone, didn't know how many times he read and re-read Joong's messages, many times wanted to reply to the message, but didn't know how to respond properly. At three o'clock in the morning, the light from the phone shone on Dunk's face, only illuminating his painful face. Dunk took a photo of a corner of the vase of sunflowers in the room, made it blurry and continued to post the news, recently I use stories to relieve my feelings a lot, I send all my sadness into it, and also send it to someone else.

Just a few dozen seconds after the story was posted, Dunk's phone rang a ding. He still hasn't slept, still diligently replying to his story after a few dozen seconds like always, but why hasn't he slept yet? Is it okay to stay up so late? Dunk was worried about him but forgot to worry about himself, just staring at his three-word question.

(Why aren't you sleeping yet?)

Why haven't you slept yet? It's not because you miss him. You haven't slept because of him, because you think about the story between you and him.

(Dunk, just hide carefully, I will definitely find you and bring you back)

You were suddenly confused, he was planning to look for you, but how could you find him? You thought you hid well. If he really found you, how would you face him? How does Dunk feel, not wanting to meet him, afraid of meeting him but still having a little hope in his heart that he will come to see him.

Dunk fell down on the bed, not paying attention to the phone anymore, once again Dunk did not respond to any of his messages, he silently looked at the ceiling all night, like a fool about love, a person whose soul wanders in its own uncertain emotions, unable to stabilize or grasp.

The person on the other side of the screen was also quiet, looking back and forth at Dunk's story, the Dunk song embedded in this story, he understood, understood that you were sad, in pain, he wished he could come to you right now to hugged his small body immediately.

"Joong, stop looking at the screen, worry about your tomorrow"

Joong heard Pond's voice and couldn't help but call down, it was already three in the morning and yet Pond, Joong, and Gemini weren't asleep yet, all sitting here, in Pond's private house.

"Are you sure you can find out the truth?"

"I'm sure, you don't believe me, they're cunning, so we have to be more cunning"

Pond raised his voice, emphasizing each word for Joong

"That's right, we have to use tricks, otherwise the kittens will all be taken away."

Gemini crossed his arms and looked at the computer screen. He spoke a sentence, with an extremely unpredictable voice, like a person plotting something dangerous. His lips curled up into a faint smile, and the screen appeared. Several new lines of data, each conversation, each transaction, each camera clip are all in one folder, just click on it to immediately master it all.


Today Fourth came home earlier than usual, didn't want to change clothes or take a shower, just quietly fell down on the bed and looked at the ceiling in silence for a long time. There are only a few hours left until evening, and I know this evening will be the most terrible evening of my life. Max called me to a bar, and I knew what he intended to do to me in there. Fourth was afraid, he had never been to a bar before, and he had to go alone. He knew this trip would be more or less good, but it was his last choice.

Fourth finished showering, changed into a discreet outfit, took as many inhibitor pills as possible and took a few extra pills. While Phuwin hadn't returned yet, Fourth just left a message saying that he was going to study group with his friends. then exit the house and leave.

Strolling on the road out of the area where I lived, there was a black car waiting for me. Fourth bowed his head and reluctantly went inside, not knowing that after the car had just taken him away, there was someone inside. That number came to my gate and attached a secret letter, this letter... is for Phuwin.

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