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The pine trees flashed by your car window. The warm june sun caressed your face, shining through the glass and settling upon the four friends loudly enjoying the beginning of summer.

Harvest Hill. The summer camp you and your friend group would spend the next two months, entertaining the kids by day and surely wreaking havoc by night. You lifted your head from the window.

''Good morning,'' Stu joked from beside you, one hand on the steering wheel while his other rested lazily on the windowsill, his open car window sending gusts of wind through the car and offering relief from the already scorching summer heat.

You scoffed. ''Morning. How much further is it?''

Stu shrugged, the hand resting on the windowsill rhythmically bopping along with the crackling song played over the radio. Getting a signal proved to be much harder out this far in nature.

''I'm just heading wherever our sweet navigator is sending us.'' He motioned his head towards Tatum in the backseat behind him, who seemed increasingly exasperated as she unfolded a map bigger than herself in the small space.

''I can't figure out where we are. Since when are there so many roads out here?''

''There aren't,'' Randy spoke up from beside her. ''You're just about 50 miles too far South with where you're looking.''

Tatum's eyes traced up, following the squiggly lines representing the road we were on up until her features lit up.

''Alright, there we are! Shouldn't be much further now.''

As Tatum sat back in satisfaction, you noticed Randy sneaking a peek through the back window. Stu caught it too, in the rearview mirror, and met your eyes. You shrugged, and he sent you a grin.

''You gonna stop sulking back there Meeks? It's not like they can get it on at 70 miles per hour.''

Randy whipped back around, red tinting his ears at being caught. The embarrassment soon made way for annoyance, as he bit out: ''Whatever, man.''

You bit your lip to stifle a laugh as Stu met your eyes again.

''At least, as far as I'm aware,'' Stu followed up. ''Wanna test the theory, Y/N?''

You laughed as you smacked his arm. A flirty retort nearly escaped your throat, but then you remembered your best friend sitting behind him. Tatum who, for the entirety of last year, had been silently crushing on Stu. A fact you and Sidney took to your grave, just like Sidney's thing for Billy would never leave your small circle.

''In your dreams,'' is what you settled on.

Stu let out a low whistle. ''Ouch.'' You laughed, pushing your hair behind your ear and returning your gaze to the forest flashing past your window. Stu's gaze lingered on the side of your face for a moment longer, unbeknownst to you, as his smile dropped a smidge at your rejection.