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''Stu I can't see you.''

Your heartbeat pounded in your ears as you followed Stu through a narrow path. You'd left behind the lights of the camp, entering the pitch black forest.

''Do you have a flashlight?'' you tried again, frustrated at the lack of reply.

Deafening silence. You stopped walking. Each way you looked was the same darkness, enveloping you as panic froze your limbs. Stu was nowhere to be seen.

You strained your ears for any footsteps, but caught nothing but silence. You whipped around as a crow cawed overhead, leaves rustling as it took off in flight.

A hand wrapped around your wrist. You let out a scream, the nerves of being in this dark forest overtaking your senses. Stu entered your vision, clamping his hand down on your mouth, cutting off your scream.

''Jesus, Y/N, I thought you were behind me.''

You stared at him with wide eyes, feeling the panic slowly simmer out of your body. Stu tentatively removed his hand, seemingly worried you'd start screaming again.

''Sorry,'' you whispered, pulling your wrist from his grip. ''I couldn't see you.''

Even in the dark you could see the twinkle in his eye as he smiled down at you. His arm hung heavy around your neck as he pulled you into his side, tugging you along down the path.

''Don't worry, we're almost there.''

Sure enough, light broke through the trees, and you heard familiar voices talking quietly. As you approached, you saw multiple comfortable chairs and a bench adorned with pillows surrounding a campfire. The trees thinned at the edge of the clearing, making way for a steep drop off, and offering a breathtaking view of the lake below the hill.

Sidney and Tatum sat on two of the chairs, while Randy was hanging over the back of the bench. You frowned, about to ask him what the hell he was doing, until he strained and the fairy lights surrounding the spot sprung to life.

''There we go,'' he said, pushing himself off of the edge of the bench. ''Oh, you guys finally made it!''

Tatum and Sidney looked up from their conversation. ''Where's Billy? Didn't you say you were getting both of them?'' Tatum asked Stu, who dropped his arm from your shoulder and threw himself down on the bench.

''No idea, I thought he was behind us.''

You frowned, rubbing your hands on your upper arms as the nightly chill set in. You hadn't noticed Billy following you at all, yet Stu seemed to convinced he was. Did you miss anything?

''Maybe he went to unpack,'' Sidney said, beckoning for you to take the empty chair beside her, close to the fire.

You took her offer gratefully, relishing in the warmth. You pulled your knees up to your chest, letting your gaze float over to the moon's reflection on the ripples of the lake ahead.