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''He's cute, but like, in kind of an unnerving way.''

You and the girls were gathered in Tatum's room. Somehow, the blonde had managed to turn her room into a whirlwind. Clothes thrown in piles around the floor, the bed thrown together messily by Sidney before the latter sat down on it. Magazines were stacked messily on the desk, one of which you had claimed and were now flipping through as you laid on your stomach beside Sidney. 

''What a way to describe someone,'' Sidney laughed. She was leaning on her elbows as she replied to Tatum, who was using the small mirror on the wall to look into as she brushed her hair. 

After finding out that the bathrooms weren't exactly a prime location to gossip in, seeing as anyone could listen in on whatever was being said on the other side, it had now exclusively been reserved for your own bedrooms. 

''I'm just saying I wouldn't mind being saved from drowning if he came to save me,'' Tatum continued. 

''As opposed to wanting to be left to drown if he was ugly?'' you quipped, and she sent you a look. 

It was quite early in the day. Last night's drinking at the campfire had been kept to a minimum, as no one wanted to 'pull a Y/N' on the day the campers would arrive, which was today. A couple of hours to go until noon, then the busses would show up, and this camp would finally be filled with the life you'd been preparing for. 

You were nervous. Having eight girls under your care was no small task. You hoped they'd at least be a little susceptive to your authority, or these two months were going to be very long. 

Tatum pulled a face while she carefully applied mascara to her lashes. The words she spoke sounding contorted from it. 

''It's really just a matter of who you wanna get mouth to mouth from.'' 

Sidney snorted. ''We'd all be dead if we lived by that.''

You shook your head as you continued flipping through your magazine. Mark, the lifeguard and nephew to Thomas, had caught Tatum's attention ever since the breakfast you'd showed up late for. 

It wasn't like she had done anything other than throwing flirty looks across the campground, yet it still pulled on your insides. 

''What about you and Stu?''

The words had left your mouth before you could stop them. Tatum's hands stilled midair. Sidney fell silent, but you saw her attention piqued as she watched your other friend carefully.