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The only sound breaking the silence was the crackling of the fire through the night. Your girls were bundled around you, some clinging to your legs, others leaning into your side, as you all listened to Thomas' story.

From across the flames, you kept catching Stu's eyes.

Hurt burned in your ribcage, as if the bonfire was taking place in the confines of it. You wished vehemently that your heart would listen to your brain, for once, and shove last night on the pile of mistakes you wished you could take back.

How good was he at pretending?

It felt so real. You had never seen anyone look at you with the amount of love and reverence in their eye as Stu had yesterday. It overtook you, completely, and had shaken you to your core.

Was all of it fake?

You made a point of avoiding his gaze. Ellie cowered further into your side as Thomas shone the flashlight he held underneath his face, his story coming to a climax. You wrapped an arm around the small girl, rubbing small comforting circles on her upper arm.

You jumped along with the rest at Thomas' final scare, bursting into laughter as Jessie nearly toppled from her seat on the bench of the picnic table you were seated on.

From the corner of your eye, you could feel Tatum staring at Stu. Your jaw ticked in annoyance. Maybe it was jealousy. Maybe indignation.

It hurt even more when you looked over and found him meeting her gaze with a lopsided grin. He looked over and met your gaze again, and his expression faltered ever so slightly. It looked apologetic, almost. Regretful. You didn't care, tearing your attention away from him and towards your girls who had sprung up from their seats and ran towards Thomas as he started handing our marshmallows.

The kids had been tasked with collecting branches sturdy and long enough to use tonight at the bonfire, and you smiled as Ashley and Natalie proudly showed theirs to you.

''Eric helped me break it off from the tree,'' Natalie said, pointing towards a small blonde boy huddled together with Billy's group. ''He climbed all the way to the top to get it for me.''

The boy looked back as she pointed at him and smiled bashfully. You ran your hand over Natalie's brown curls as the girl gave a small wave.

''Well, isn't he a gentleman.''

The night progressed peacefully, and you even found yourself forgetting your predicament as you laughed along with the girls as they told stories about their lives back home.

It appeared ten year olds had quite the drama-filled lives.

You took notice of Ellie sitting on the sidelines quietly while the other girls spoke about their lives at home. Stories about family vacations, funny anecdotes about pets, interesting trinkets they'd found while exploring their neighborhoods with schoolfriends.