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''Cameron Diaz in 'The Mask','' Sidney said, her legs swinging off of one side of her chair as you, her and Tatum sat together in one of the lounge areas on the porch of the Mess hall. ''Her hair was stunning in that.''

''No, it has to be Cher from 'Clueless' for me,'' you added.

''Hello?'' Tatum interjected. ''Rachel from 'Friends'?''

''That's more of a dark blonde though,'' Sidney said.

''Still counts. Plus, I'm loving the longer version of her haircut they're going with this season. Really suits her.''

You let your head rest on your hand, flipping your hair back over your shoulder as it slipped past. ''When is season 3 airing?''

''I think September,'' Sidney replied.

''Oh my God, we should totally watch it together when we get back home,'' Tatum said, excitement glossing over her eyes.

You smiled as the girls kept chatting. Tomorrow was the day the campers would arrive, and you'd all done all you could to prepare. Thomas managed to squeeze an afternoon with Julie in the schedule, to run the counselors through basic first aid.

It had been a couple of days since you'd left Stu to clean the dishes by himself. He'd been back to his normal self ever since, as much as you could call that 'normal'.

''I wonder how they always get their hair to look so flawless, it's actually so annoying,'' Tatum pouted, running her fingers through her own, flawless, silky hair. You rolled your eyes playfully.

''Probably like an hour every morning of hair stylists and a shit load of hair products,'' you told her.

She shrugged, attention diverted by the ends of her hair, which she was now scanning for non-existent split ends. You watched her for a moment before turning to Sidney.

Before you could speak, two hands grab your shoulders from behind, making you scream. It didn't take a genius to figure out who it was as the person snaked their hands around you and rested their chin on your shoulder.

''Jesus fucking Christ, Stu,'' you scolded as Billy and Randy plopped down in their own chairs alongside yours. ''Why can't you just be normal for one second.''

You sat back and turned your head, leaning away but still finding yourself intimately close as you looked into his blue eyes.

''Now where's the fun in that?'' he smiled, the cheeky grin on his face enough to let butterflies erupt in your stomach.

You squash them immediately. Stu let go of you and dropped himself down in the only available seat left. ''Anyway, you guys were talking about hot blondes, right? I got one for you: Pamela Anderson.''

A collective wave of exasperation fell over the girls as Randy agreed enthusiastically.

''Although,'' you said, drawing out the sound as you turned back to Tatum, ''she does have that really cute bun hairstyle that she wears a lot, which I am dying for.''