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Holy fuck.

That's about the only phrase that entered your head, and had echoed through your thoughts for the whole of the night.

You sat on one of the public toilets, head in your hands, while the easy laughter of kids playing outside traveled through the building.

All were gathered to prepare for the start of the first hike of the season through the dense forest that surrounded the campground.

You'd effectively betrayed not just one, but two of your closest friends.

You felt sick just thinking about it.

You'd pondered your feelings towards Stu long enough to conclude there had to be at least some type of attraction towards him, however ill-placed and unreciprocated.

He was magnetizing, and you were susceptible to it.

His non-committal demeanor made it a hell of a lot easier to swallow those feelings and crush them beneath the heel of your foot before they could do any lasting damage to yourself and Tatum.

It was fine as long as you kept him at bay.

But Billy? Billy was your friend. Had been, for so long. He'd always been more touchy with you than he was with any of the other women you were both acquainted with, but you always chalked that up to the years you'd known him and how close you'd grown as friends.

Friends. That was what you were.

Nothing more than that.

Not even when all you could think of was the way his soft lips pressed to yours.

His hand tangled in your hair as he pulled you closer to him. Warm, and comforting. Like he always had been.

In hindsight, some of it had shined through. You remembered suddenly the conversation you'd shared with him while you waited for the rest to reach the campfire.

'Stop looking at me like that.'

'Like what?'

'Like you want me.'

You shook your head and stood. Flushing the toilet and moving to the sink to wash your hands. You'd been gone for a while now, and they'd depart for the forest soon.

You relished in the cool water against the hot skin of your wrist. When you looked up at your reflection, it took all you had not to flinch away.