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You heaved a long sigh as  you dragged a hand through your hair for the last time. Scowling at yourself through the faded, old mirror in your bedroom as you did so. 

The kids had just left the mess hall and congregated in the theatre, supervised by Sidney and Randy, the latter of whom had been obviously beside himself upon learning he was spending the evening with his crush. 

Four groups was the maximum occupancy for the small space, which meant Billy and Tatum were unable to come along to the little evening-forest-pond-escapade Stu had proposed on a whim. 

You blew out a long breath again. 

You were just friends with Stu. That was all. You would have said yes if it had been Tatum or Sidney all the same, so why would this be any different?

Just friends. Just friends. Just friends.

Friends that kissed in a lake. Friends while he was so obviously getting it on with Tatum at the same time. 

Friends that were once again setting out to a lake, alone. 

Your anxiety came poking its head up again as the strap of your bikini poked out from beneath your shirt, and you wondered if it was too much. 

Maybe swimming wasn't something he'd considered, and you were weird for assuming so? Then again, if he was, there was no way you'd go join him without a swimsuit. 

A soft tap on your window shook you from your thoughts. 

You smiled despite yourself as Stu's goofy grin peeked out from beside the curtain, and you moved over to raise up the window. 

''Evening lady,'' he smiled. 

You tipped your head at him in a similar posh fashion as you swung your legs over the windowsill and jumped down beside him. He closed the window for you after you landed on your feet. 

''So, I'm convinced one of mine has a crush on one of yours,'' Stu said as you both headed down the path along the fairly lights leading to the hiking trail. 

Your mouth fell open as you faced him. ''No way. Who?''

''Richie definitely likes that redhead in your group. The one that's bouncing around the forest all the time.''

You laughed, then quickly clamped a hand over your mouth as you realized how far sounds travelled in these parts. 

While you and Stu, technically, had a free evening, you still were not allowed to traverse into the forest as far as you were planning to go. 

''Ashley?'' you asked, and Stu gave you a nod, grinning. 

''Can't stop talking about her, the poor guy. Maybe we should set them up.''