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The sun hung low when you trotted back down the hill in the evening. Dinner had just finished, and Thomas had instructed you to aid in cleaning up the last items left strewn about down by the lake.

The sun cast long shadows as it filtered through the trees. Crickets had begun their nightly song, and the air still hummed warmly with summer.

It would have been perfect if it hadn't been for one detail.

And that detail was currently giddy as he bounded down the trail towards the lake.

You hated the knot forming in your chest whenever you spent time with Stu. Every pull on your heart made you stop and consider the gravity of whatever you were feeling, and how much you had to push it down.

They weren't even together. Tatum and Stu. But getting with your best friends crush might as well be a warcrime.

''You're silent tonight,'' Stu commented as he slowed his pace and walked beside you.

''Don't have much to say,'' you shrugged, and Stu laughed.

''Never thought I'd see the day.''

You scoffed in fake indignance and pushed him, kiltering him slightly off balance before he recovered and slung an arm around your shoulder in his usual fashion.

Your chest constricted.

This would have been so much easier if he wasn't such a touchy person to begin with.

Multiple plastic buckets and shovels had been littered around the edge of the lake. You set to collecting all of them and gathered everything atop the picnic table. Stu passed you as he was hauling the camping chairs Thomas and Julie had occupied back into the shed.

You frowned as you regarded the plastic mess.

Each bucket had their own colored shovel counterpart. Yet you were holding one sad little yellow shovel that seemed to have lost its bucket. Fuck's sake.

You took a breath and headed towards the lake. Due to the summer warmth, you were still wearing shorts. Kicking off your flipflops you set to tracing the edge of the lake, prodding the sand to find the plastic bucket lodged in the mud.

''Evening swim?'' Stu asked from behind you.

You turned and narrowed your eyes, pointing your little shovel up at his face.

''No. You're gonna help me find the bucket belonging to this shovel and then we're heading back. I've been drenched for too long today.''

He sent you a suggestive look and you dropped your arm in defeat. Boys.

''You really wanna go through the entire lake? Could take ages.'' He quickly grabbed the shovel from your hands. ''It's not like it's that big of a deal.''