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The fire crackled as its embers rose higher, drifting above until the cool air snuffed them out. You sat on one of the chairs, absentmindedly picking at your sleeve as you waited for the rest of your friends to arrive, blanket snug around your shoulders. You'd figured at least some would have been here by now, apart from Tatum and Stu who were still on their way back from the store.

You perked up as a twig snapped somewhere between the pines. You waited a beat, then two, but nothing emerged from the forest. Frowning, you slumped back down in your chair, leaning beside your armrest to retrieve another log for the fire and carelessly feeding it to the flames.

The fire roared, and for a second a chill travelled down your spine. Goosebumps erupted on your arms, caused by the unmistakable feeling of being watched from somewhere in the forest. Your blood ran cold. Frozen in place, you scanned through the tree line, searching for any movement at all. Any explanation for the eyes burning in your skin.

The flames licked higher, ravenously feasting on the log you'd tossed in. Your body still on high alert, your heart nearly stopped its rhythm as a familiar voice sounded behind you.

''That's how we're gonna get forest fires this summer.''

You whipped around to find Billy emerging from the forest, a shit eating grin on his face as he mocked the scolding you gave him after he'd thrown his cigarette to the ground the day you arrived.

''Have you been standing there all this time?'' you asked, trying to mask the edge of fear still lingering beneath your words.

He chuckled as he stepped past you, sitting himself down on the couch across from your chair, pulling a carton of cigarettes from his pocket. ''Don't look so scared. It's just me.''

You rolled your eyes, tugging the blanket tighter around your shoulders. ''I'm not scared.''

Billy raised his eyebrows, lighting his cigarette swiftly and taking a long drag. He exhaled slowly, letting the smoke mingle as it rose along with the embers.

''Brave of you.''

You suppressed another shiver as his low voice spoke over the crackling fire. Billy stared you down from across the fire, his brown eyes burning holes in your soul.

''Shut up.''

He smirked, and you locked your jaw. An amused glint fell over his features, surely caused by him noticing your increasingly flustered state.

This was gonna be a long night. Stu and Tatum would be back any second, with heaps of liquor in tow. Sidney and Randy had to be arriving soon, too. Hopefully saving you from Billy's scorching attention now solely focused on you.

A small, horrible part of you didn't want any of them to arrive.

The part that relished in the attention he gave you.