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The sun had fully dropped below the horizon as you drove down the narrow forest road. Stu had slowed his pace down considerably now that visibility was much lower. The headlights only illuminated the road for a few meters in front of the car, but beyond that the dark forest stretched out endlessly.

An eerie feeling closed around your chest, accompanied by a slight shiver. Stu noticed from the corner of his eye.

''Randy, give the lady your jacket.''

Randy shot upright from his lazy position against the window. ''Huh? What?''

''Y/N's cold, Randy. Give her your jacket.''

Randy rummaged around the backseat, eventually retrieving his jacket from where he stuffed it below your chair. He held it up towards the front seat, nearly smacking Tatum in the eye with the zipper.

You muttered a 'thanks' as you maneuvered around in the seat, attempting to get the jacket situated around your shoulders. The warmth helped chased some of the chill out, but some still resided.

''I see light up ahead,'' Stu said, squinting in the distance.

You followed his gaze, leaning forward slightly to peek through the abundance of trees. Soon enough, the path became wider, with fairy lights illuminating the path. Stu pulled into the small gravel parking lot as you and Tatum marveled at the scene.

Everyone filed out of the car. Near the entrance was a large communal building with a porch wrapping around it, furnished with multiple comfortable chairs. Along the fencing on the porch, more fairy lights were strung, giving the whole area a comfortable atmosphere.

A man exited the communal building, smiling amicably as he descended down the steps towards your small group. As he got closer, his name badge flashed under the light. T. Wright.

''Welcome, counselors. I hope our roads have treated you well on your way here.''

Stu scoffed from behind you. ''The roads weren't the issue.'' You nudged his ribcage with your elbow, ignoring the indignant remark that followed.

The man extended a hand to Tatum, who stood closest to him, and went down the line to introduce himself. ''Thomas Wright. I will be running the camp here all summer, so if you've got any questions, my office is always open.''

You smiled politely at the man. While this courteous introduction hadn't been lengthy by any means, it was far past dinner time. None of you had eaten a proper meal yet since lunch, apart from the abundance of road trip snacks Tatum had brought.

''Yo, man,'' Stu piped up from behind you. ''Hate to be interrupting here but we're starving. Have you guys got any food around here?''

You geared up for another punch to his side for his behavior. To your surprise, Thomas laughed. ''Of course, we figured as much. I've got the grill all fired up and ready for you. Follow me.''