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The gravel crunched underneath the tires as the busses rolled into the parking lot. The place was bustling. Some parents had elected to taking their children towards Harvest Hill themselves, their vehicles quickly filling up the parking lot as the kids spilled out. 

You'd made sure not to make it look too much like you and Stu had arrived together. Your head still felt dazy from sitting beneath the sunbeams. You were not about to admit the flush in your cheeks could be from your earlier proximity to Stu. 

Each counselor had gotten their own little corner on the large patio in front of the mess hall. 

You felt a pair of eyes on you. Looking over, you met Billy's gaze. You felt a smile pull on your features as you did, and he returned it. You felt your heart leap in your chest. No. None of this. 

Thomas stood by stairway leading up to the porch, a clipboard in hand and a very stressed Julie by his side. Julie was manning a small table equipped with all the necessities for writing down little nametags for each of the kids, to make the opening lunch a great opportunity for all the cabins to get to know each other. 

It was as if the summer knew how joyful of a day it was. Not a cloud littered the sky, nothing obscured the beaming sun. Even birds offered their chorus, surpassing the excited chatter of the kids below the branches.

You smiled brightly as Thomas pointed one of the girls in your direction. Immediately, you could tell the family was rich. From the way the dad carried himself to the way the mom's hair was perfectly done, these people screamed money. The girl herself had gorgeous blonde hair, neatly tied into pigtails. 

She stared up at you with huge brown eyes as she approached. 

''Welcome,'' you paused to read the nametag. ''Eleanor!''

The girl smiled stiffly as her parents hugged her goodbye, and you noticed then how cold and informal the greetings seemed. You composed yourself and smiled as the parents took their leave, before bending down to face the small girl. 

''Are you excited for camp, Eleanor?''

The girl looked apprehensive. Then, she spoke in a soft, timid voice. 

''It's Ellie.''

''Of course,'' you gestured to her name tag, ''do you need a new one?''

She followed your gesture down to her tag, upon which Julie had so carefully written 'Eleanor'. A smile found its way on her face as she nodded. You stood fully and took the crumpled sticky paper from her as she'd ripped it from her shirt. 

''I'll get you a new one before lunch,'' you smiled, and she beamed at you before heading inside. 

The rest of the afternoon passed the same way until you had eight girls seated around the table assigned for your cabin in the mess hall. Each as endearing as the last, and you realized even after the short introduction you'd shared, you were going to grow horribly attached this summer.