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The night progressed quickly with the help of the alcohol. You sat back in your chair, head lazily leaning on your hand as Randy told you a slurred story. Your insides warm, this felt just like the perfect summer night. In your haze, you'd nearly forgotten all about the blond boy across the fire.

Stu had not moved from his spot beside Tatum, pulling her closer while stealing glances at you occasionally. You stopped returning them sooner than he liked.

He kept up his façade, but inside he was seething. He was so sure he'd seen jealousy cloud those pretty eyes of yours when he mentioned heading down to the store with Tatum, and it drove him crazy ever since. Deep down he knew the only reason he even kissed her in his car was for you to give him that look again. He glanced at you again, seeing your hair fall over your exposed shoulder as you looked at Randy through half-shut eyes. His plan wasn't working as intended.

You didn't notice his stare across the flames. Your blanket had already slipped from your grasp, now pooled casually around your elbows. The cold didn't bother you the way it did before, another feature of alcohol you greatly enjoyed. You laughed again as Randy's story ended, your head falling back against your chair as your intoxicated state made you more giggly than usual.

''There is no way they made you clean that up,'' you smiled as you recovered from your fit.

''I swear it, Y/N. Took me two hours to restock the entire section.''

You crinkled your nose in disgust. ''It's so gross. I cannot believe people sometimes.''

Randy smiled, then something soured his gaze. You frowned. ''What? What's wrong?'' Your voice trailed off as you followed his line of sight. Sidney had moved to sit closer to Billy at some point during the night, now giggling softly as he spoke to her.

You felt a stab go through your heart at their proximity. Billy reached up and tucked a strand of hair behind Sidney's ear, causing the flush of her face to be visible even in the dim light of the fire.

Now, annoyance settled over you. Both Stu and Billy had acted weirdly since arriving here, and it did not sit right with you. You took a deep breath, the alcohol coursing through your veins making it increasingly difficult to keep a level head. You were friends. They didn't owe you anything.

You pushed Billy's intense gaze over the fire from just hours before out of your mind. Casting another look at Billy and Sid, a realization dawned on you. The look he was giving her was different, detached. Not as fiery as the one he settled upon you before.

You shook your head, maybe you were imagining it.

Randy nudged you from the side. ''Hey, Third Wheel.''

You scoffed indignantly, slapping his arm. ''Says you.''

He smiled, ignoring your quip as he continued. ''Wanna play a drinking game? Get them out of each other's pants?''