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You whipped your head to the side as you dried your freshly washed hair. Sidney sat cross-legged on the counterspace next to the sink, leaning her head on her hand.

''Is it just me, or does it still smell like lake in here,'' she sighed.

''You've probably gotten some water up your nose,'' Tatum murmured, toothbrush in her mouth as her gaze stuck on the large mirror. You bent down and pulled your perfume out of your bag, spritzing the air for good measure.

Sidney coughed and waved the air in front of her away. ''Jesus, it wasn't that bad.''

You laughed, putting the vial back in your bag. ''You're hard to please, Sid.''

You pulled your hairbrush out of your bag and started the task of detangling the mess of knots your little lake adventure had left you. You thanked your past self silently for having your hair in braids today, making the process a lot less difficult.

''You're sunburned,'' Tatum remarked, spitting out her toothpaste and wiping her mouth with a towel, eyeing you through her mirror.

You glanced at your shoulder, seeing she was right. ''Shit, yeah. Inevitable, I guess.''

She rummaged through her toiletries bag before pulling out a cream. ''Here. This helps.''

You took the product from her gracefully, turning it around in your hands before opening it and smearing it on your burning shoulders. You sighed at the instant relief. ''Thanks.''

''Don't worry about it,'' she smiled, gathering her things and throwing her towel over her shoulder. Sidney hopped off the counter and threw one last look at her reflection in the mirror, dragging a hand through her hair once before flashing you a smile.

''Meet us at the fire?'' Tatum asked as she stepped past you.

''I'll be there,'' you replied absentmindedly, attention pulled back to brushing your hair in the mirror.

You heard the door fall shut behind them as they left the communal bathrooms. You frowned at your own reflection, noticing the rosy hue above your nose. Poking at it with your finger left behind a painful twinge. Great. Another sunburn.

Just as you pulled out the cream you received from Tatum to smear on your face, a door opened at the other half of the building. You stilled in your movements. The boys' bathroom was opposite to the girls, one a mirrored version of the other. The top of the wall separating the two was left open, causing the conversations to drift easily from one side to the other side.