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You sat with your legs pulled up on one of the picnic tables. Tatum and Sidney sat on each side of your legs, leaning casually against the table's edge. Children ran around, little shoes carving their prints into the soft forest floor. 

You leaned back on your hands as you surveyed the area. Billy and Stu sat together on one of the benches closest to the bonfire, conversing softly. You felt your attention pull towards them, piqued when Billy looked up from the figures he was absentmindedly drawing in the leaves between his feet while he spoke. 

He met your eyes, and Stu soon followed his gaze. You looked away quickly. Needing your feelings to wither and die sooner rather than later. 

The most terrible part of it all being that both boys were stealing glances at you whenever they thought you weren't looking. Figuring out the strange pull originating from your chest towards them would've been tricky enough if it had just been one of them. 

And both boys would cause such heartbreak to your sweet friends if you acted on that pull. 

At last, Randy's group excitedly poured through the door of his cabin. 

Thomas stood from the bench he had been sitting on while in soft conversation with Julie. You raised an eyebrow as you noticed the glint in Julie's eyes as she proudly watched him address the crowd of screaming children. 

''Right, attention, everyone!''

You stood from the table and gathered your girls with you, leading them to stand closer to Thomas, who had lifted himself atop another picnic table. It took a moment, then even Stu's rowdy group had settled down enough for Thomas to speak. 

''As we want you to get more acquainted with the camp, we have prepared a scavenger hunt for you all.''

Excited murmurs passed through the group. 

''Your counselors have received your first hint. Good luck to all!''

With that, the girls' attention immediately pivoted to you. You pretended to look up at the sky while holding the laminated paper Thomas had given to you earlier behind your back. 

The scavenger hunt was meant to introduce the kids to the camp and promote teamwork. To prevent crowding, the hunt was divided into two routes, with two different starting points leading to the same end goal. 

''Should I read it?'' you asked the group, and you smiled at the overwhelming excitement as they all put pulled the paper from your hands. 

''Alright, alright!''

You slumped back in your seat, exhausted, one leg pulled up to your chest. The small light by the front door of your cabin did little to illuminate the space as you sat on one of two chairs positioned on the porch.