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The forest buzzed with warmth, but Billy didn't feel any. Not even beneath the thick cloak of his costume. Not even behind the plastic mask that seemed to collect the heat of his exhales with each breath he took. 

The sun slid past the horizon and coated the sky in a pretty pink. Taking its light with it, and therefore making it easier for Billy to stay hidden between the branches. Overlooking the pond. 

The pond where you were now wading into, laughing as Stu chased you deeper in it and grabbed you by the waist. Dragonflies scurried away from the droplets, a bird taking off from a nearby tree. 

Something horrible stung in Billy's guts as he watched your arms fling around Stu's neck. The closeness of you two pulled on something strange, fueling a fire that Billy could already feel bleeding into rage in his chest. 

He twisted the black material of the cloak hiding his body between his thumb and index finger. He wasn't close enough to hear what Stu had been saying to you while you sat beside him on that rock. Distance, and the clattering of the waterfall on the rocks below masked your words. 

Surely he must've said something, because your spirits had lifted with each word he spoke, and he had to look away when Stu pulled you in his lap. 

Yes, he was jealous, he'd gathered that much. 

Stu was deviating from the plan. Again. Kissing you, holding you close to him, when he hadn't even been with Tatum for more than a week. Billy dragged a hand over his face, sweaty beneath the mask, and sighed in exasperation. 

He was already so sick of Sidney. Her goody-two-shoes act. The pristine, perfect prude that placed so much value on herself others surely must feel the same. Like a pig at an auction. 

The chances of Billy being able to pull of what Stu had were slimming by the second. Even after the soft kiss you'd shared with him that night in your bedroom. No, his only chance, only chance, would be to get Stu to fuck up, and swoop in to catch you when you fell. 

A horrible tactic but, an effective one. 

Billy slunk further back in the shadows once you started collecting your things and making your way back to the forest path, Stu following close behind. 

For a moment, your eye hovered over where he sat. 

A frown making its way on your features as you squinted into the darkening forest, and Billy sat as still as he could. 

Heart pounding in his ears, his pulse pushing almost painfully against the stretch of his neck. He'd ensured that, even if you'd have seen him, you wouldn't have recognized him. He wouldn't have bothered with the warm costume otherwise. 

But Stu followed your gaze into the forest, and for a moment Billy saw the dots connect behind his eyes. Slinging a lazy arm over your shoulder, Stu succeeded in distracting your paranoia and guiding you back towards the path. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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