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The hot summer sun beat down on your head. Kids were scattered around the lake, some digging through the sandy shore, others wading through the shallow water. 

Mark had perched himself upon a little chair a little ways beyond the shore, keeping watch while having his divided attention on a chatty Tatum sitting beside him. 

You smiled as Ellie came rushing towards you in the water, showing you a rock she'd found. You, Billy and Randy had been standing in the lake, keeping an eye on the kids and making sure none of the kids ventured beyond you towards the deeper part of the lake. 

You'd picked a red bikini for the day, having pulled a white t-shirt over it to keep your already aching shoulders from burning to a crisp on a day as lovely as this one. 

''Look, Y/N! It's got three colors!''

You took the rock from her as she handed it to you, turning to hold the thing in the sunlight. 

''It's gorgeous!'' you smiled at the kid. 

She beamed as she took it back from you, diving back in the water and returning to where she and a couple of the girls had been playing mermaids. 

As you straightened up, you only barely heard Randy's last sentence. 

''No, man, I'm telling you, Friday the 13th changed the slasher genre entirely.''

You turned halfway and caught Billy rolling his eyes. ''It's boring, Randy. The only thing decent is how gorey the kills are, other than that, nothing interesting happens.''

''You cannot tell me you expected the reveal of the killer in that movie.''

Billy looked at you as you fit yourself in the conversation, the annoyance in his eyes shifting towards something carefree and easy. You'd always been jealous of how easily he tanned, even back at school when you'd all gather by the fountain in the courtyard of the school. 

Right now, as he smiled at you while his bare torso was so perfectly lit by the afternoon sun, something entirely different started to stir in your insides. It took a great deal of effort not to let your eyes dip down. 

''Seriously,'' Randy began again. ''They only way they could've made it better is if- hey! Trevor! You can't go any deeper!'' 

You laughed as you watched your friend wade through the waist-deep water to catch one of his kids who had tried to sneak past him to the deep water.