026, firewhiskey for breakfast!

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CERISE'S EYES WIDENED, and she took a step back from Cedric. She glanced behind him, where she saw Cho waiting to talk to him, and then glanced back at him.

"You have got to be fucking kidding," she muttered, shaking her head, "I am not ready to be an Auntie — You're not ready to be a father, either! Nor is she ready to be a mother! Oh, for fucks sakes! We're seventeen — She's sixteen, Oh, Merlin."

Cedric sighed and wiped his eyes, "That's exactly how I feel right now," he admitted, "I'm scared, I'm really scared."

Cerise pursed her lips, she didn't know what to say. She had never been in this situation before, and she really wished this situation would go away.

"I know you are," she said, "But so is Cho. Cho is the one carrying the baby, and she will continue to carry the baby for nine months —"

"Eight," Cedric interrupted.

"She will carry the baby for eight more months, she is the one pushing a baby out of her. Her parents are not the most supportive, either, so Cho is more scared in this situation than you are. You need to be there for her, now more than ever."

Cedric sighed, and took a deep breath. "You're right," he whispered, "Thank you."

Cerise sent him a small smile, "Now, go keep her company, Merlin knows she needs it."

She turned her brother around and pushed him towards Cho, before turning herself around and leaving the castle. She headed towards the tree Elijah would always sit at. She wiped her eyes and sent the group a small smile.

Her and Cedric were okay, she was okay.

"You alright, Cer?" Loralei asked, walking up to her and grabbing her hands. Cerise nodded. "Good. . . Fancy going for a swim?"

Cerise jokingly rolled her eyes, "Y'know I can't swim," she said, taking a seat by the tree, and watching the others splash around in the water. "Plus, it is winter right now. So, go enjoy the water while you can."

Loralei grinned, before running and jumping in the lake. Cerise watched her friends splash around, and a small smile formed on her face.

She really was okay.

CHRISTMAS ARRIVED QUICKER than Cerise hoped it would. Christmas morning, she woke up to Loralei jumping on her bed like a child, screaming lyrics to a muggle Christmas song. Then, Loralei dragged her down to the common room where everyone's piles of presents were.

Eagerly, Loralei handed Cerise present after present, while Oliver curled into a ball on the Diggory's lap, playing with his toys that Loralei had opened for him.

The first present Cerise opened, was another snack basket — It was off Susan Bones and Hannah Abbott, no surprise there. Her next gift was from Cedric, and it was a basket filled with many things — Matching bracelets, a photoalbum filled with just those two, some of Cerise's favourite chocolates, and a stuffed animal ( a panda ). Her gift from Loralei was a microphone which didn't need speakers to project her voice.

This time, she even had a gift off Cho — It was a photoframe of them both. She had the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory from Lee, Elijah got her a cute ring, Fred had gotten her another bottle of Firewhiskey ( which Cerise had already downed five times ), and Hermione, Harry and Ron chipped in to get Cerise a charmed music player that plays muggle music in Hogwarts.

George, however, had gotten her a huge cherry flavoured cake, and a bouquet of pink roses with a note that read 'Considering you liked the roses you got for your birthday, I got you pink roses this time, and just like the orange, they would never die'.

Cerise felt her eyes tear up at this. "That's actually really cute," she said, wiping the tear that escaped her eye. Loralei grinned, and grabbed her hand. "I didn't know the orange roses were from him."

Loralei smirked, "I know," she said, "We've both got one present left to open."

As both girls opened the present, they felt a smile grow on their faces. A knitted Weasley jumper, with the first letter of their name in the middle. Cerise's was a pastel pink, while Loralei's was a pastel purple.

Both girls threw the jumpers on straight away. Nothing compared to a Weasley jumper, it just meant that Molly adored them, and Molly hardly adored anyone.

"Come on!" Loralei exclaimed, "You too, Oliver! Cerise, without the Firewhiskey."

Cerise downed the bottle, again, and shook her head. "Absolutely not!" She exclaimed, and followed after Loralei, nearly falling over her own feet.

As the duo made their way into the Great Hall, Cerise was more than drunk, and Loralei was more than annoyed. "Fred, I'm going to kill you!" She exclaimed, but seeing the look on Fred's face, she frowned, "Not you, too."

"What?" Fred asked, hiccuping and then giggling. "I don't drink."

Loralei sighed, shaking her head and forcing Cerise onto the seat in between herself and Fred. She piled a bunch of breakfast onto Cerise's and Fred's plate, "Eat," she said to them both, "Or I will literally kill you both."

"No," Cerise said, sharing a look with Fred, "You couldn't kill us, even if you tried."

"Do you wanna bet?" Loralei stated, "Eat."

"But this is our breakfast!" Fred exclaimed, waving the bottle in the air and spilling it on his lap. "Oh, I spilled my breakfast."

"I'm sure Loralei will gladly lick it up," Cerise blurted, downing the bottle of Firewhiskey. Both Fred and Loralei blushed bright red.

"Eat." Loralei said, glaring at Cerise.

Cerise leaned into Fred, "She's scary," she whispered, making Fred nod in agreement, before they both began stuffing their faces with breakfast.

George and Lee approached them, their eyebrows furrowing together. "You've got to be joking," Lee muttered, "I think they're alcoholic's in the making."

"Not in the making," George said, "They already are."

Loralei watched Fred and Cerise, who were now drinking the Firewhiskey again. "If you don't eat, I will confiscate them."

"I got backup," Cerise muttered, "And you don't know where said backup is, so good luck."

Loralei groaned, "You two best not be drunk tonight. It's the Yule Ball."

"Oh, yeah," Fred said, "I thought it was tomorrow."

A/N: I'm somewhat back??? So, a lot has gone on — I went through a breakup, and then started talking to someone else, but he basically played me, and now since I have given up with boys, I'm back to Wattpad!
Anyways, this is a filler chapter, and hopefully soon I will be updating properly again!

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