Chapter 9

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A Month Later 19 September (Thursday)

Luke's POV

I can't comprehend that it's been a month since the most beautiful night of my life turned into some horrible fucking dream.Fucking Susannah had to ruin the most beautiful, and relaxed evening that I've had in my life. It's been the worst month of my life, and I'm not certain of how to deal with it. It's been one long month of pure torture.Nothing has made sense to me. Not even being in studio has helped. Sleep comes but the look on Alex's face has been haunting me,since that night.I dialled her up so many times, but hung up because she made it clear it's over, but it can't be.Its only just begun. Something that feels this right cannot be over. I can't forget her and I don't want to.I fucking miss her so much that I've been taking comfort from the memories. The way she looked when I first saw her at the club. Sad and withdrawn.That look changed when she opened the door on that special day looking so beautiful, her inner beauty radiating to the outside.Sexy as hell in that dress.I was amazed at the pure surprise, and joy on her face, when we walked into the suite.Nobody I know would appreciate simplicity like the sunset, and breakfast, or even a gift, yet she thanked me for something simple like a date. She looked genuinely happy. Nobody has ever been that greatful.People I know only want my money, and not me. I somehow believe that money isn't of importance to her. She looks into my heart, and soul.I remember so clearly the feeling of us in each others arms,dancing, and moving together.It was beyond amazing . We fit perfectly.The way her eyes lit up, when she laughed reminded me of pure joy.When we touched, it felt glorious, her skin responding to my touch was real.She's real.Everything about her is real.The way she moaned from our experience in her bathroom.Fuck! Fuck!.We were making progress and she even called me 'baby'.That means something, and it all got fucked up because of Susannah.I feel like I'm going insane.I can't stop thinking of her.Somehow she's different.She doesn't expect anything from me and I believe I can be myself with her.Now I don't have an inclination of what to do.What do I do?I need her.I love her dammit.I really love her.I know some may say it's too early, but I do.She needs to know that, and I deserve a chance.A month is all the time she needs to stop being upset with me.I'm going to call her. No. She's probably at work.So I'll wait. Looking at the garden I wonder what she's doing.If shes eaten.If she's okay.I miss you so much baby.

"Luke do you want some lunch son?"My mums voice calls out.I hear her approaching, so I snap out of my wallowing

"No thanks mum."

"I knew you'd say that. So I took the liberty of making you a sandwich." She smiles

"Im not hungry mum." I grunt

"Whats goin on wid you Luke. You look like hell.." she asks sadly taking a seat opposite me

Mum knows some of what happened, so she understands

"I miss her mum.I have not felt this dispair.Except when dad died.Now I feeI as if everything is out of control. I was getting somewhere with her, and Susannah messed it up."

"Luke its not too late. From what you've told me.Alex seems like a smart gal, she's upset, and also she doesnt want her boy being exposed to nonsense.You have a different life from what she's used to Luke.So understand where she's coming from.You both have to make changes Luke. Especially you.Also love doesn't go away. It grows stronger and from what you've told me.It seems you've found it.So dont give up.Fight for it son. "

I look at her, and I can't help the tears that flow. I don't care if I'm a sissy for crying.She understands me.She knows my heartbreaks more than anyone.

"I want what you and dad had mum.The love you guys had was one in a million.?Even though you'll didnt have alot. You guys were happy.I feel that I could have that with Alex mum. She's so different from the woman I've dated. When she looks at me, it's as if she's  looking deep into my soul. When she smiles, her eyes, they light up." I say hoping mum can see where I'm coming from.

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