Chapter 18

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Alex POV

01 October (Thursday)

What a beautiful day it's been. Work was peacefully awesome. The weather beautiful despite it being freezing. And most importantly- I'm in love. I haven't seen Luke since Monday, and I miss him like crazy. After his strange behaviour on Monday I tried calling him,but got his voicemail box. He hasn't returned my call, so I assume he's busy, and Jen confirmed it just before I left, so I'm not going to disturb him, I'm not one for that anyway. I'm still confused about his behaviour, and hopefully he isn't too upset. I'm definitely not. I mean it was just pictures right. If I can get over it, them I'm sure he will. My sexy Irish man. Now I'm on my way to the grocer, but my thoughts seem to have taken a journey along the ride to the grocer, and I hadn't realised that I'm almost here. After we arrive Josh runs off searching for school accessories, and I head to the vegetable place. After picking up a few things, and some unwanted junk, I'm ready to move on,but stop,when I notice a woman struggling with her trolley. So I  head over to her to try and help. She looks to be in her early sixties,and I must say dressed very smart.

"Excuse me ma'am. Can I help you with that?"

She looks up, and smiles, and there is something oddly familiar about her eyes and smile.

"Sure luv. That wid be great. I'm afraid they dont make them like they used to." She smiles again

I adjust her trolley, and when I look up she's still smiling.

"There you go maam. It'll get you to the pay point." I push the trolley to her

"Thank you........Alex." she whispers

I look at her in confusion. Did she really just say Alex? I don't remember introducing myself. So how did she know my name? Before I could find out any other information Josh comes running over. I turn to him, attending to what he says, and when I look up the lady has disappeared. That was the most strangest experience ever. How is that possible? I mean I've never met her before. Maybe she's physic. That could explain it right. This country is really strange. But I love it anyway, and Instead of dwelling on that I head to the pay point. And soon after I'm on my way home.


"Mum. Come quick. Luke's on tv."

Josh's shouting interupts me doing the dishes. Wiping my hands, I go see what's gotten him so worked up. The picture on tv almost gives me feelings of jealousy, but I push it aside. What does consume me are feelings of utter shock, and disappointment. There are pictures of Luke and........Susannah. They're seem to be having a meal together. Then there's one of his hands around her shoulders, and another as he leans into her placing a kiss on her cheek. That simple contact pierces me, but I don't show it. There's also another picture of them holding hands leaving the studio. I look at Josh, staring at the screen, eyes scrunched, and I feel like I should explain. But the caption says it all,
'Luke o' Connor and Susannah. Cosy as ever. Sexy Indian Mum was just a fling' . What is this? This is beyond outrageous. I mean what is going on? Why did they just describe me in that way? This is unacceptable. I think I've had enough of this nonsence.I will not drag my son into this

"Josh. Switch that off baby, and go get ready for bed."

He does'nt even answer, just silently complies. Just as he gets up the doorbell rings. I know who that is so I ignore it, and remain where I am. After a while the ringing stops, and the banging begins.

"Alex. It's Luke. Please open up." He pleads

I have no patience to deal with him right now. Especially with the way I feel right now

"Alexandra. I know you're in there. Open up please." He's shouting now

"Go away Luke. This isnt the time." I say a bit too loud than intended

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